Franco Marcantonio
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Re-assessing the surface cycling of molybdenum and rhenium
CA Miller, B Peucker-Ehrenbrink, BD Walker, F Marcantonio
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (22), 7146-7179, 2011
Os isotope systematics in ocean island basalts
L Reisberg, A Zindler, F Marcantonio, W White, D Wyman, B Weaver
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 120 (3-4), 149-167, 1993
Os isotope systematics of La Palma, Canary Islands: evidence for recycled crust in the mantle source of HIMU ocean islands
F Marcantonio, A Zindler, T Elliott, H Staudigel
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 133 (3-4), 397-410, 1995
Extraterrestrial 3He as a tracer of marine sediment transport and accumulation
F Marcantonio, RF Anderson, M Stute, N Kumar, P Schlosser, A Mix
Nature 383 (6602), 705-707, 1996
Sediment focusing in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean
F Marcantonio, RF Anderson, S Higgins, M Stute, P Schlosser, P Kubik
Paleoceanography 16 (3), 260-267, 2001
Deglacial changes in dust flux in the eastern equatorial Pacific
D McGee, F Marcantonio, J Lynch-Stieglitz
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 257 (1-2), 215-230, 2007
A comparative study of accumulation rates derived by He and Th isotope analysis of marine sediments
F Marcantonio, N Kumar, M Stute, RF Anderson, MA Seidl, P Schlosser, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 133 (3-4), 549-555, 1995
Ocean dynamics, not dust, have controlled equatorial Pacific productivity over the past 500,000 years
G Winckler, RF Anderson, SL Jaccard, F Marcantonio
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (22), 6119-6124, 2016
Isotopic evidence for the crustal evolution of the Frontenac Arch in the Grenville Province of Ontario, Canada
F Marcantonio, RH McNutt, AP Dickin, LM Heaman
Chemical Geology 83 (3-4), 297-314, 1990
A 1,800-million-year-old Proterozoic gneiss terrane in Islay with implications for the crustal structure and evolution of Britain
F Marcantonio, AP Dickin, RH McNutt, LM Heaman
Nature 335 (6185), 62-64, 1988
Variations in productivity and eolian fluxes in the northeastern Arabian Sea during the past 110 ka
A Pourmand, F Marcantonio, H Schulz
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 221 (1-4), 39-54, 2004
No iron fertilization in the equatorial Pacific Ocean during the last ice age
KM Costa, JF McManus, RF Anderson, H Ren, DM Sigman, G Winckler, ...
Nature 529 (7587), 519-522, 2016
1.1 Ga K-rich alkaline plutonism in the SW Grenville Province: U− Pb constraints for the timing of subduction-related magmatism
L Corriveau, LM Heaman, F Marcantonio, O van Breemen
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 105, 473-485, 1990
230Th Normalization: New Insights on an Essential Tool for Quantifying Sedimentary Fluxes in the Modern and Quaternary Ocean
KM Costa, CT Hayes, RF Anderson, FJ Pavia, A Bausch, F Deng, ...
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 35 (2), e2019PA003820, 2020
Deglacial variability of Antarctic Intermediate Water penetration into the North Atlantic from authigenic neodymium isotope ratios
RC Xie, F Marcantonio, MW Schmidt
Paleoceanography 27 (3), 2012
A Pb isotope record of mid-Atlantic US atmospheric Pb emissions in Chesapeake Bay sediments
F Marcantonio, A Zimmerman, Y Xu, E Canuel
Marine Chemistry 77 (2-3), 123-132, 2002
Re-Os isotopic systematics in chromitites from the Stillwater Complex, Montana, USA
F Marcantonio, A Zindler, L Reisberg, EA Mathez
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 57 (16), 4029-4037, 1993
The accretion rate of extraterrestrial 3He based on oceanic 230Th flux and the relation to Os isotope variation over the past 200,000 years in an Indian Ocean core
F Marcantonio, KK Turekian, S Higgins, RF Anderson, M Stute, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 170 (3), 157-168, 1999
Bioactive trace metals and their isotopes as paleoproductivity proxies: An assessment using GEOTRACES‐era data
TJ Horner, SH Little, TM Conway, JR Farmer, JE Hertzberg, DJ Janssen, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 35 (11), e2020GB006814, 2021
Abrupt intensification of the SW Indian Ocean monsoon during the last deglaciation: constraints from Th, Pa, and He isotopes
F Marcantonio, RF Anderson, S Higgins, MQ Fleisher, M Stute, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 184 (2), 505-514, 2001
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Articles 1–20