Stephen Ousley
Stephen Ousley
Adjunct Professor, University of Tennessee
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New perspectives in forensic anthropology
DC Dirkmaat, LL Cabo, SD Ousley, SA Symes
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2008
Data collection procedures for forensic skeletal material
PH Moore-Jansen, RL Jantz
Forensic Anthropology Center, Department of Anthropology, University of …, 1990
FORDISC 3.0: Personal computer forensic discriminant functions
RL Jantz, SD Ousley
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2005
A revised method of sexing the human innominate using Phenice's nonmetric traits and statistical methods
AR Klales, SD Ousley, JM Vollner
American journal of physical anthropology 149 (1), 104-114, 2012
Understanding race and human variation: why forensic anthropologists are good at identifying race
S Ousley, R Jantz, D Freid
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 139 (1), 68-76, 2009
FORDISC 2.0: Personal computer forensic discriminant functions
SD Ousley, RL Jantz
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1996
Statistical classification methods for estimating ancestry using morphoscopic traits
JT Hefner, SD Ousley
Journal of Forensic Sciences 59 (4), 883-890, 2014
Should we estimate biological or forensic stature?
S Ousley
Journal of Forensic Sciences 40 (5), 768-773, 1995
Data collection procedures for forensic skeletal material 2.0
NR Langley, LM Jantz, SD Ousley, RL Jantz, G Milner
University of Tennessee and Lincoln Memorial University, 2016
The forensic data bank: documenting skeletal trends in the United States
SD Ousley, RL Jantz
Forensic osteology: advances in the identification of human remains 2, 441-458, 1998
Error and its meaning in forensic science
AM Christensen, CM Crowder, SD Ousley, MM Houck
Journal of forensic sciences 59 (1), 123-126, 2014
Multivariate quantitative genetics of anthropometric traits from the Boas data
LW Konigsberg, SD Ousley
Human biology 81 (5/6), 579-594, 2009
Fordisc 3 and statistical methods for estimating sex and ancestry
SD Ousley, RL Jantz
A companion to forensic anthropology, 311-329, 2012
Federal repatriation legislation and the role of physical anthropology in repatriation
SD Ousley, WT Billeck, RE Hollinger
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2005
Craniometric variation in large-bodied hominoids: testing the single-species hypothesis for Homo habilis
A Kramer, SM Donnelly, JH Kidder, SD Ousley, SM Olah
Journal of Human Evolution 29 (5), 443-462, 1995
Using multivariate adaptive regression splines to estimate subadult age from diaphyseal dimensions
KE Stull, EN L'Abbé, SD Ousley
American journal of physical anthropology 154 (3), 376-386, 2014
Biological effects of European contact on Easter Island
DW Owsley, GW Gill, SD Ousley
Edited by CM Stevenson, G. Lee, and FJ Morin, Easter Island in Pacific …, 1994
Morphoscopic traits and the assessment of ancestry
JT Hefner, SD Ousley, DC Dirkmaat
A companion to forensic anthropology, 287-310, 2012
Recovery and interpretation of burned human remains
SA Symes, EN Chapman, DC Dirkmaat, SD Ousley
BiblioGov Project, 2012
Relationships between Eskimos, Amerindians, and Aleuts: Old data, new perspectives
SD Ousley
Human biology, 427-458, 1995
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Articles 1–20