William H. Conner
William H. Conner
Professor of Forestry, Clemson University
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Productivity and composition of a baldcypress‐water tupelo site and a bottomland hardwood site in a Louisiana swamp
WH Conner, JW Day Jr
American Journal of Botany 63 (10), 1354-1364, 1976
The productivity and composition of mangrove forests, Laguna de Terminos, Mexico
JW Day Jr, WH Conner, F Ley-Lou, RH Day, AM Navarro
Aquatic Botany 27 (3), 267-284, 1987
Aboveground production in southeastern floodplain forests: a test of the subsidy–stress hypothesis
JP Megonigal, WH Conner, S Kroeger, RR Sharitz
Ecology 78 (2), 370-384, 1997
Comparison of the vegetation of three Louisiana swamp sites with different flooding regimes
WH Conner, JG Gosselink, RT Parrondo
American Journal of Botany 68 (3), 320-331, 1981
A 7 year record of above-ground net primary production in a southeastern Mexican mangrove forest
JW Day Jr, C Coronado-Molina, FR Vera-Herrera, R Twilley, ...
Aquatic Botany 55 (1), 39-60, 1996
Water level observations in mangrove swamps during two hurricanes in Florida
KW Krauss, TW Doyle, TJ Doyle, CM Swarzenski, AS From, RH Day, ...
Wetlands 29, 142-149, 2009
Southern forested wetlands: Ecology and management
MG Messina, WH Conner
CRC Press, 1997
Influence of hurricanes on coastal ecosystems along the northern Gulf of Mexico
WH Conner, JW Day, RH Baumann, JM Randall
Wetlands ecology and Management 1, 45-56, 1989
Predicting the retreat and migration of tidal forests along the northern Gulf of Mexico under sea-level rise
TW Doyle, KW Krauss, WH Conner, AS From
Forest Ecology and Management 259 (4), 770-777, 2010
The use of wetlands in the Mississippi Delta for wastewater assimilation: a review
JW Day Jr, JY Ko, J Rybczyk, D Sabins, R Bean, G Berthelot, C Brantley, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 47 (11-12), 671-691, 2004
Leaf litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics in four southern forested floodplain communities
TT Baker III, BG Lockaby, WH Conner, CE Meier, JA Stanturf, MK Burke
Soil Science Society of America Journal 65 (4), 1334-1347, 2001
Site condition, structure, and growth of baldcypress along tidal/non-tidal salinity gradients
KW Krauss, JA Duberstein, TW Doyle, WH Conner, RH Day, ...
Wetlands 29, 505-519, 2009
Flooding and salinity effects on growth and survival of four common forested wetland species
WH Conner, KW McLeod, JK McCarron
Wetlands Ecology and Management 5, 99-109, 1997
The effect of salinity and waterlogging on growth and survival of baldcypress and Chinese tallow seedlings
WH Conner
Journal of Coastal Research, 1045-1049, 1994
Rising water levels in coastal Louisiana: implications for two coastal forested wetland areas in Louisiana
WH Conner, JW Day Jr
Journal of Coastal Research, 589-596, 1988
The role of the upper tidal estuary in wetland blue carbon storage and flux
KW Krauss, GB Noe, JA Duberstein, WH Conner, CL Stagg, N Cormier, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 32 (5), 817-839, 2018
Natural regeneration of baldcypress (Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich.) in a Louisiana swamp
WH Conner, JR Toliver, FH Sklar
Forest Ecology and Management 14 (4), 305-317, 1986
The effect of increasing salinity and forest mortality on soil nitrogen and phosphorus mineralization in tidal freshwater forested wetlands
GB Noe, KW Krauss, BG Lockaby, WH Conner, CR Hupp
Biogeochemistry 114, 225-244, 2013
Ecology of tidal freshwater forested wetlands of the southeastern United States
TW Doyle, KW Krauss
Springer, 2007
The ecology of Barataria Basin, Louisiana: an estuarine profile
WH Conner, JW Day
National Wetlands Research Center, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US …, 1987
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