Lachlan S Charles
Lachlan S Charles
University of California Riverside
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Links between community ecology theory and ecological restoration are on the rise
CE Wainwright, TL Staples, LS Charles, TC Flanagan, HR Lai, X Loy, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (2), 570-581, 2018
Species wood density and the location of planted seedlings drive early‐stage seedling survival during tropical forest restoration
LS Charles, JM Dwyer, TJ Smith, S Connors, P Marschner, MM Mayfield
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (2), 1009-1018, 2018
Differential mechanisms drive species loss under artificial shade and fertilization in the alpine meadow of the Tibetan Plateau
J Li, LS Charles, Z Yang, G Du, S Fu
Frontiers in plant science 13, 832473, 2022
Predicting intraspecific trait variation among California's grasses
B Sandel, C Pavelka, T Hayashi, L Charles, J Funk, FW Halliday, ...
Journal of Ecology 109 (7), 2662-2677, 2021
Plant functional traits and species selection in tropical forest restoration
LS Charles
Tropical Conservation Science 11, 1940082918784157, 2018
Seedling growth responses to species‐, neighborhood‐, and landscape‐scale effects during tropical forest restoration
LS Charles, JM Dwyer, TJ Smith, S Connors, P Marschner, MM Mayfield
Ecosphere 9 (8), e02386, 2018
Landscape structure mediates zoochorous-dispersed seed rain under isolated pasture trees across distinct tropical regions
LS Charles, JM Dwyer, HM Chapman, BG Yadok, MM Mayfield
Landscape Ecology 34, 1347-1362, 2019
Diverse genomoviruses representing twenty-nine species identified associated with plants
RS Fontenele, P Roumagnac, C Richet, S Kraberger, D Stainton, ...
Archives of virology 165, 2891-2901, 2020
Rainforest seed rain into abandoned tropical Australian pasture is dependent on adjacent rainforest structure and extent
LS Charles, JM Dwyer, MM Mayfield
Austral Ecology 42 (2), 238-249, 2017
Species provenance and traits mediate establishment and performance in an invaded grassland
LS Charles, JL Maron, L Larios
Functional Ecology 36 (7), 1528-1541, 2022
Seed dispersal and seedling establishment during early-stage tropical forest recovery within old-fields
L Charles
The use of functional traits to predict grassland community responses to drought and small mammal pressure
L Charles, WT Bean, JS Brashares, LR Prugh, KN Suding, J Chesnut, ...
2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3-6), 0
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Articles 1–12