Angel Arcones Segovia
Angel Arcones Segovia
PhD in Biology | Scientist at Vizzuality
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Seasonal climatic niches diverge in migratory birds
R Ponti, A Arcones, X Ferrer, DR Vieites
Ibis 162 (2), 318-330, 2020
Lack of evidence of a Pleistocene migratory switch in current bird long‐distance migrants between Eurasia and Africa
R Ponti, A Arcones, X Ferrer, DR Vieites
Journal of Biogeography 47 (7), 1564-1573, 2020
Productivity as the main factor correlating with migratory behaviour in the evolutionary history of warblers
R Ponti, A Arcones, X Ferrer, DR Vieites
Journal of Zoology 306 (3), 197-206, 2018
Pleistocene glacial cycles as drivers of allopatric differentiation in Arctic shorebirds
A Arcones, R Ponti, X Ferrer, DR Vieites
Journal of Biogeography 48 (4), 747-759, 2021
Mitochondrial substitution rates estimation for divergence time analyses in modern birds based on full mitochondrial genomes
A Arcones, R Ponti, DR Vieites
Ibis 163 (4), 1463-1471, 2021
Thermal niche dimensionality could limit species’ responses to temperature changes: Insights from dung beetles
J Calatayud, J Hortal, JA Noriega, Á Arcones, VR Espinoza, N Guil, ...
Journal of Biogeography 48 (12), 3072-3084, 2021
The complete mitochondrial genome of the Endangered European brown frog Rana pyrenaica through RNAseq
M Peso-Fernández, R Ponti de la Iglesia, G Ponz Segrelles, ...
Mitochondrial DNA Part B 1 (1), 394-396, 2016
Challenges in estimating ancestral state reconstructions: the evolution of migration in Sylvia warblers as a study case
R Ponti, A Arcones, DR Vieites
Integrative zoology 15 (3), 161-173, 2020
Mitochondrial substitution rates estimation for molecular clock analyses in modern birds based on full mitochondrial genomes
A Arcones, R Ponti, DR Vieites
bioRxiv, 855833, 2019
Multidimensionality in the thermal niches of dung beetles could limit species’ responses to temperature changes
J Calatayud, J Hortal, JA Noriega, Á Arcones, VR Espinoza, N Guil, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.11. 15.383612, 2020
Multidimensionality of thermal niches and its implications to temperature changes responses: insights from dung beetles.
J Calatayud, J Hortal, J Noriega, A Arcones, V Espinoza, N Guil, J Lobo
Authorea Preprints, 2022
Challenges in estimating ancestral state reconstructions: the evolution of migration in Sylvia warblers as a study case
R Ponti de la Iglesia, Á Arcones, DR Vieites
John Wiley & Sons, 2020
Lack of evidence of a Pleistocene migratory switch in current bird long-distance migrants between Eurasia and Africa
R Ponti de la Iglesia, Á Arcones, X Ferrer, DR Vieites
John Wiley & Sons, 2020
Seasonal climatic niches diverge in migratory birds
R Ponti de la Iglesia, Á Arcones, X Ferrer, DR Vieites
Wiley-Blackwell, 2020
Origen de la migració dels ocells. Patrons migratològics de Catalunya
R Ponti, Á Arcones, D Vieites, X Ferrer
Atzavara, L' 29, 45-55, 2019
III Jornada del Departamento de Biogeografía y Cambio Global
DR Vieites, A Bravo-Oviedo, LR Pertierra, S Herrando Pérez, B Calvalho, ...
Productivity as the main factor correlating with migratory behaviour in the evolutionary history of warblers
R Ponti de la Iglesia, Á Arcones, X Ferrer, DR Vieites
John Wiley & Sons, 2018
Antagonistic results between Ancestral State Reconstruction analyses
DR Vieites, R Ponti de la Iglesia, Á Arcones
Challenges in estimating ancestral state reconstructions: the evolution of migration in Sylvia warblers as a study case Running title: Challenges in ASR
R Ponti, A Arcones, DR Vieites
Comparative analysis of ancestral state reconstruction methods shows lack of congruence between them
R Ponti, Á Arcones, D Vieites
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Articles 1–20