Matt Bruce
Matt Bruce
Ecologist, Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research
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Spatial and temporal demographic variation drives within-season fluctuations in sexual selection
MM Kasumovic, MJ Bruce, MCB Andrade, ME Herberstein
Evolution 62 (9), 2316-2325, 2008
Individual consistency and flexibility in human social information use
U Toelch, MJ Bruce, L Newson, PJ Richerson, SM Reader
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1776), 20132864, 2014
Risky mate search and mate preference in the golden orb-web spider (Nephila plumipes)
MM Kasumovic, MJ Bruce, ME Herberstein, MCB Andrade
Behavioral Ecology 18 (1), 189-195, 2007
Mortality and recruitment of fire-tolerant eucalypts as influenced by wildfire severity and recent prescribed fire
LT Bennett, MJ Bruce, J MacHunter, M Kohout, MA Tanase, C Aponte
Forest Ecology and Management 380, 107-117, 2016
Signalling conflict between prey and predator attraction
MJ Bruce, ME Herberstein, MA Elgar
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 14 (5), 786-794, 2001
Silk decorations: controversy and consensus
MJ Bruce
Journal of Zoology 269 (1), 89-97, 2006
Spider signals: are web decorations visible to birds and bees?
MJ Bruce, AM Heiling, ME Herberstein
Biology Letters 1 (3), 299-302, 2005
Decreased environmental variability induces a bias for social information use in humans
U Toelch, MJ van Delft, MJ Bruce, R Donders, MTH Meeus, SM Reader
Evolution and Human Behavior 30 (1), 32-40, 2009
Responding to the biodiversity impacts of a megafire: A case study from south‐eastern Australia’s Black Summer
WL Geary, A Buchan, T Allen, D Attard, MJ Bruce, L Collins, TE Ecker, ...
Diversity and Distributions 28 (3), 463-478, 2022
Male mate choice and patterns of paternity in the polyandrous, sexually cannibalistic orb-web spider, Nephila plumipes
MA Elgar, MJ Bruce, FEC De Crespigny, AR Cutler, CL Cutler, AC Gaskett, ...
Australian Journal of Zoology 51 (4), 357-365, 2003
Do multiple fires interact to affect vegetation structure in temperate eucalypt forests?
A Haslem, SWJ Leonard, MJ Bruce, F Christie, GJ Holland, LT Kelly, ...
Ecological Applications 26 (8), 2414-2423, 2016
Fire regimes and environmental gradients shape vertebrate and plant distributions in temperate eucalypt forests
LT Kelly, A Haslem, GJ Holland, SWJ Leonard, J MacHunter, M Bassett, ...
Ecosphere 8 (4), e01781, 2017
Humans copy rapidly increasing choices in a multiarmed bandit problem
U Toelch, MJ Bruce, MTH Meeus, SM Reader
Evolution and human behavior 31 (5), 326-333, 2010
Evidence for developmental plasticity in response to demographic variation in nature
MM Kasumovic, MJ Bruce, ME Herberstein, MCB Andrade
Ecology 90 (8), 2287-2296, 2009
Assessing fire impacts on the carbon stability of fire‐tolerant forests
LT Bennett, MJ Bruce, J Machunter, M Kohout, SJ Krishnaraj, C Aponte
Ecological Applications 27 (8), 2497-2513, 2017
Web decorations and foraging success in'Araneus' eburnus (Araneae: Araneidae)
MJ Bruce, AM Heiling, ME Herberstein
Annales Zoologici Fennici, 563-575, 2004
Web decoration polymorphism in Argiope Audouin, 1826 (Araneidae) spiders: ontogenetic and interspecific variation
MJ Bruce, ME Herberstein
Journal of Natural History 39 (44), 3833-3845, 2005
Social performance cues induce behavioral flexibility in humans
U Toelch, MJ Bruce, MTH Meeus, SM Reader
Frontiers in psychology 2, 160, 2011
Male copulation frequency, sperm competition and genital damage in the golden orb-web spider (Nephila plumipes)
JM Schneider, ME Herberstein, MJ Bruce, MM Kasumovic, ML Thomas, ...
Australian Journal of Zoology 56 (4), 233-238, 2008
The aggregating behaviour of Argiope radon, with special reference to web decorations
D Rao, M Webster, AM Heiling, MJ Bruce, ME Herberstein
Journal of Ethology 27, 35-42, 2009
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Articles 1–20