Robert J Holdaway
Robert J Holdaway
Landcare Research, New Zealand
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Scientific foundations for an IUCN Red List of Ecosystems
DA Keith, JP Rodríguez, KM Rodríguez-Clark, E Nicholson, K Aapala, ...
PLOS one 8 (5), e62111, 2013
Allometric equations for integrating remote sensing imagery into forest monitoring programmes
T Jucker, J Caspersen, J Chave, C Antin, N Barbier, F Bongers, ...
Global change biology 23 (1), 177-190, 2017
Climate, soil and plant functional types as drivers of global fine‐root trait variation
GT Freschet, OJ Valverde‐Barrantes, CM Tucker, JM Craine, ...
Journal of Ecology 105 (5), 1182-1196, 2017
Species‐and community‐level patterns in fine root traits along a 120 000‐year soil chronosequence in temperate rain forest
RJ Holdaway, SJ Richardson, IA Dickie, DA Peltzer, DA Coomes
Journal of Ecology 99 (4), 954-963, 2011
Methods for the extraction, storage, amplification and sequencing of DNA from environmental samples
G Lear, I Dickie, J Banks, S Boyer, HL Buckley, TR Buckley, ...
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 42 (1), 10-50A, 2018
BAAD: A biomass and allometry database for woody plants.
DS Falster, RA Duursma, MI Ishihara, DR Barneche, RG FitzJohn, ...
Ecological Society of America, 2015
Towards robust and repeatable sampling methods in eDNA‐based studies
IA Dickie, S Boyer, HL Buckley, RP Duncan, PP Gardner, ID Hogg, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 18 (5), 940-952, 2018
A general integrative framework for modelling woody biomass production and carbon sequestration rates in forests
DA Coomes, RJ Holdaway, RK Kobe, ER Lines, RB Allen
Journal of Ecology 100 (1), 42-64, 2012
A comparison of the ability of PLFA and 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding to resolve soil community change and predict ecosystem functions
KH Orwin, IA Dickie, R Holdaway, JR Wood
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 117, 27-35, 2018
Assembly rules operating along a primary riverbed–grassland successional sequence
RJ Holdaway, AD Sparrow
Journal of Ecology 94 (6), 1092-1102, 2006
Wood production response to climate change will depend critically on forest composition and structure
DA Coomes, O Flores, R Holdaway, T Jucker, ER Lines, MC Vanderwel
Global change biology 20 (12), 3632-3645, 2014
Status assessment of New Zealand's naturally uncommon ecosystems
RJ Holdaway, SK Wiser, PA Williams
Conservation biology 26 (4), 619-629, 2012
Long‐term hurricane damage effects on tropical forest tree growth and mortality
EVJ Tanner, F Rodriguez-Sanchez, JR Healey, RJ Holdaway, ...
Ecology 95 (10), 2974-2983, 2014
Propagating uncertainty in plot-based estimates of forest carbon stock and carbon stock change
RJ Holdaway, SJ McNeill, NWH Mason, FE Carswell
Ecosystems 17, 627-640, 2014
Soil microbial community structure explains the resistance of respiration to a dry–rewet cycle, but not soil functioning under static conditions
KH Orwin, IA Dickie, JR Wood, KI Bonner, RJ Holdaway
Functional Ecology 30 (8), 1430-1439, 2016
Tallo: A global tree allometry and crown architecture database
T Jucker, FJ Fischer, J Chave, DA Coomes, J Caspersen, A Ali, ...
Global change biology 28 (17), 5254-5268, 2022
DNA metabarcoding as a tool for invertebrate community monitoring: a case study comparison with conventional techniques
C Watts, A Dopheide, R Holdaway, C Davis, J Wood, D Thornburrow, ...
Austral Entomology 58 (3), 675-686, 2019
Regenerative agriculture in Aotearoa New Zealand–research pathways to build science-based evidence and national narratives
G Grelet, S Lang, C Merfield, N Calhoun, M Robson-Williams, A Horrocks, ...
Our Land and Water, 2021
Nationally representative plot network reveals contrasting drivers of net biomass change in secondary and old-growth forests
RJ Holdaway, TA Easdale, FE Carswell, SJ Richardson, DA Peltzer, ...
Ecosystems 20, 944-959, 2017
Land use is a determinant of plant pathogen alpha‐but not beta‐diversity
A Makiola, IA Dickie, RJ Holdaway, JR Wood, KH Orwin, TR Glare
Molecular Ecology 28 (16), 3786-3798, 2019
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Articles 1–20