Michael J. Pauers
Michael J. Pauers
Adjunct Curator of Fishes, Milwaukee Public Museum
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Directional sexual selection on chroma and within–pattern colour contrast in Labeotropheus fuelleborni
MJ Pauers, JS McKinnon, TJ Ehlinger
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Aggressive biases towards similarly coloured males in Lake Malawi cichlid fishes
MJ Pauers, JM Kapfer, CE Fendos, CS Berg
Biology Letters 4 (2), 156-159, 2008
Changes in the colour of light cue circadian activity
MJ Pauers, JA Kuchenbecker, M Neitz, J Neitz
Animal behaviour 83 (5), 1143-1151, 2012
Effects of tributary spatial position, urbanization, and multiple low-head dams on warmwater fish community structure in a Midwestern stream
TM Slawski, FM Veraldi, SM Pescitelli, MJ Pauers
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28 (4), 1020-1035, 2008
On the diets of Neotropical Treeboas (squamata: Boidae: corallus) 1
RW Henderson, MJ Pauers
South American Journal of Herpetology 7 (2), 172-180, 2012
On the congruence of morphology, trophic ecology, and phylogeny in Neotropical treeboas (Squamata: Boidae: Corallus)
RW Henderson, MJ Pauers, TJ Colston
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 109 (2), 466-475, 2013
Female and male visually based mate preferences are consistent with reproductive isolation between populations of the Lake Malawi endemic Labeotropheus fuelleborni
MJ Pauers, TJ Ehlinger, JS McKINNON
Current Zoology 56 (1), 65-72, 2010
Sexual selection on color and behavior within and between cichlid populations: Implications for speciation
MJ Pauers, JS Mckinnon
Current Zoology 58 (3), 475-483, 2012
Morphological disparity in ecologically diverse versus constrained lineages of Lake Malaŵi rock-dwelling cichlids
RC Albertson, MJ Pauers
Hydrobiologia 832 (1), 153-174, 2019
Species concepts, speciation, and taxonomic change in the Lake Malawi mbuna, with special reference to the genus Labeotropheus Ahl 1927 (Perciformes …
MJ Pauers
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 20, 187-202, 2010
Environmental, behavioral, and habitat variables influencing body temperature in radio-tagged bullsnakes, Pituophis catenifer sayi
JM Kapfer, MJ Pauers, DM Reineke, JR Coggins, R Hay
Journal of Thermal Biology 33 (3), 174-179, 2008
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish: Geography, Ecology, Sympatry, and Male Coloration in the Lake Malawi Cichlid Genus Labeotropheus (Perciformes …
MJ Pauers
International Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2011 (1), 575469, 2011
Geometric morphometrics reveals surprising diversity in the Lake Malawi cichlid genus Labeotropheus
MJ Pauers, SA McMillan
Hydrobiologia 748, 145-160, 2015
Gross colour pattern is used to distinguish between opponents during aggressive encounters in a Lake Malawi cichlid
MJ Pauers, JM Kapfer, K Doehler, J Todd Lee, CS Berg
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 21 (1), 34-41, 2012
Selection, hybridization, and the evolution of morphology in the Lake Malaŵi endemic cichlids of the genus Labeotropheus
MJ Pauers, KR Fox, RA Hall, K Patel
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 15842, 2018
A New Species of Labeotropheus (Perciformes: Cichlidae) from Southern Lake Malaŵi, Africa
MJ Pauers
Copeia 105 (2), 399-414, 2017
Female preferences for conspecific males indicate reproductive isolation between sympatric Labeotropheus Ahl from Lake Malaŵi
MJ Pauers, JA Grudnowski
Ethology 128 (6), 482-488, 2022
Microhabitat selection of bullsnakes (Pituophis catenifer sayi) at a site in the upper Midwestern United States
JM Kapfer, MJ Pauers, JR Coggins, R Hay
Herpetological Review 40 (2), 148, 2009
Two New and Remarkably Similarly Colored Species of Labeotropheus (Perciformes: Cichlidae) from Lake Malaŵi, Africa
MJ Pauers
Copeia 104 (3), 628-638, 2016
Correlated evolution of short wavelength sensitive photoreceptor sensitivity and color pattern in Lake Malawi cichlids
MJ Pauers, JA Kuchenbecker, SL Joneson, J Neitz
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4, 12, 2016
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Articles 1–20