Sergey Mastitsky
Sergey Mastitsky
Owner & Principal Consultant, Next Game Solutions
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Статистический анализ и визуализация данных с помощью R
СЭ Мастицкий, ВК Шитиков
ДМК Пресс, 2015
Cell competition is a tumour suppressor mechanism in the thymus
VC Martins, K Busch, D Juraeva, C Blum, C Ludwig, V Rasche, ...
Nature 509 (7501), 465-470, 2014
Классификация, регрессия и другие алгоритмы Data Mining с использованием R
ВК Шитиков, СЭ Мастицкий
Режим доступа: http://www. ievbras. ru/ecostat/Kiril/R/DM/DM_R. pdf (дата …, 2017
Invaders are not a random selection of species
AY Karatayev, LE Burlakova, DK Padilla, SE Mastitsky, S Olenin
Biological Invasions 11, 2009-2019, 2009
Методическое пособие по использованию программы STATISTICA при обработке данных биологических исследований
СЭ Мастицкий
РУП Институт рыбного хозяйства, Минск, 2009
Contrasting rates of spread of two congeners, Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena rostriformis bugensis, at different spatial scales
AY Karatayev, LE Burlakova, SE Mastitsky, DK Padilla, EL Mills
Journal of Shellfish Research 30 (3), 923-931, 2011
Past, current, and future of the central European corridor for aquatic invasions in Belarus
AY Karatayev, SE Mastitsky, LE Burlakova, S Olenin
Biological Invasions 10, 215-232, 2008
Статистический анализ и визуализация данных с помощью R. Черно–белое издание
СЭ Мастицкий, ВК Шитиков
СЭ Мастицкий, ВК Шитиков.–М.: ДМК Пресс, 2015
Checklist of aquatic alien species established in large river basins of Belarus
VP Semenchenko, VK Rizevsky, SE Mastitsky, VV Vezhnovets, MV Pluta, ...
Aquatic Invasions 4 (2), 337-347, 2009
Non-native fishes of Belarus: diversity, distribution, and risk classification using the Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit(FISK)
SE Mastitsky, AY Karatayev, LE Burlakova, BV Adamovich
Aquatic Invasions 5 (1), 103-114, 2010
Differences in growth and survivorship of zebra and quagga mussels: size matters
AY Karatayev, SE Mastitsky, DK Padilla, LE Burlakova, MM Hajduk
Hydrobiologia 668, 183-194, 2011
Zebra mussel impacts on unionids: A synthesis of trends in North America and Europe
FE Lucy, LE Burlakova, AY Karatayev, SE Mastitsky, DT Zanatta
Quagga and zebra mussels: biology, impacts, and control, second edition, 623-646, 2013
Concurrent epigenetic silencing of Wnt/beta-catenin pathway inhibitor genes in B cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
EA Moskalev, K Luckert, IA Vorobjev, SE Mastitsky, AA Gladkikh, ...
BMC Cancer 12, 213, 2012
Predicting the spread of aquatic invaders: insight from 200 years of invasion by zebra mussels
AY Karatayev, LE Burlakova, SE Mastitsky, DK Padilla
Ecological Applications 25 (2), 430-440, 2015
Field evidence for a parasite spillback caused by exotic mollusc Dreissena polymorpha in an invaded lake
SE Mastitsky, JK Veres
Parasitology Research 106, 667-675, 2010
Parasites of exotic species in invaded areas: does lower diversity mean lower epizootic impact?
SE Mastitsky, AY Karatayev, LE Burlakova, DP Molloy
Diversity and Distributions 16 (5), 798-803, 2010
Exotic molluscs in the Great Lakes host epizootically important trematodes
AY Karatayev, SE Mastitsky, LE Burlakova, VA Karatayev, MM Hajduk, ...
Journal of Shellfish Research 31 (3), 885-894, 2012
Distribution and abundance of Ponto-Caspian amphipods in the Belarusian section of the Dnieper River
SE Mastitsky, OA Makarevich
Aquatic Invasions 2 (1), 39-44, 2007
Municipal wastewater treatment plants as pathogen removal systems and as a contamination source of noroviruses and Enterococcus faecalis
HWA Cheng, FE Lucy, MA Broaders, SE Mastitsky, CH Chen, A Murray
Journal of water and health 10 (3), 380-389, 2012
Increased detection rates of EGFR and KRAS mutations in NSCLC specimens with low tumour cell content by 454 deep sequencing
EA Moskalev, R Stöhr, R Rieker, S Hebele, F Fuchs, H Sirbu, SE Mastitsky, ...
Virchows Archiv 462, 409-419, 2013
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Articles 1–20