Zucchella Antonella
Zucchella Antonella
professor of marketing, University of Pavia
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Industry 4.0, global value chains and international business
R Strange, A Zucchella
Multinational Business Review 25 (3), 174-184, 2017
The drivers of the early internationalization of the firm
A Zucchella, G Palamara, S Denicolai
Journal of world business 42 (3), 268-280, 2007
Born globals: Propositions to help advance the theory
M Gabrielsson, VHM Kirpalani, P Dimitratos, CA Solberg, A Zucchella
International business review 17 (4), 385-401, 2008
Internationalization, innovation and entrepreneurship: business models for new technology-based firms
A Onetti, A Zucchella, MV Jones, PP McDougall-Covin
Journal of Management & Governance 16, 337-368, 2012
Internationalization, digitalization, and sustainability: Are SMEs ready? A survey on synergies and substituting effects among growth paths
S Denicolai, A Zucchella, G Magnani
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 166, 120650, 2021
Resource-based local development and networked core-competencies for tourism excellence
S Denicolai, G Cioccarelli, A Zucchella
Tourism management 31 (2), 260-266, 2010
Circular business models for sustainable development: A “waste is food” restorative ecosystem
A Zucchella, P Previtali
Business Strategy and the Environment 28 (2), 274-285, 2019
Internationalization and performance: Findings from a set of Italian SMEs
A Majocchi, A Zucchella
International Small Business Journal 21 (3), 249-268, 2003
Geographical pathways for SME internationalization: insights from an Italian sample
A D'Angelo, A Majocchi, A Zucchella, T Buck
International Marketing Review 30 (2), 80-105, 2013
Born global or born to run? The long-term growth of born global firms
B Hagen, A Zucchella
Management International Review 54, 497-525, 2014
International strategy and performance—Clustering strategic types of SMEs
B Hagen, A Zucchella, P Cerchiello, N De Giovanni
International Business Review 21 (3), 369-382, 2012
International entrepreneurship
A Zucchella, B Hagen, MG Serapio
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023
Stakeholder pressures, EMS implementation, and green innovation in MNC overseas subsidiaries
N Kawai, R Strange, A Zucchella
International Business Review 27 (5), 933-946, 2018
Internationalization and innovation as resources for SME growth in foreign markets: a focus on textile and clothing firms in the Campania Region
A Zucchella, A Siano
International Studies of Management & Organization 44 (1), 21-41, 2014
Local cluster dynamics: trajectories of mature industrial districts between decline and multiple embeddedness
A Zucchella
Journal of Institutional Economics 2 (1), 21-44, 2006
From fragile to agile: marketing as a key driver of entrepreneurial internationalization
B Hagen, A Zucchella, PN Ghauri
International Marketing Review 36 (2), 260-288, 2019
Knowledge assets and firm international performance
S Denicolai, A Zucchella, R Strange
International business review 23 (1), 55-62, 2014
The resilience strategies of SMEs in mature clusters
E Conz, S Denicolai, A Zucchella
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy …, 2017
International entrepreneurship and the internationalization phenomenon: taking stock, looking ahead
A Zucchella
International Business Review 30 (2), 101800, 2021
The logic behind foreign market selection: Objective distance dimensions vs. strategic objectives and psychic distance
G Magnani, A Zucchella, DE Floriani
International Business Review 27 (1), 1-20, 2018
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