Vladislav Vergilov
Vladislav Vergilov
National Museum of Natural History at the BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria
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The distribution and biogeography of slow worms (Anguis, Squamata) across the Western Palearctic, with an emphasis on secondary contact zones
D Jablonski, N Sillero, O Oskyrko, A Bellati, A Čeirāns, M Cheylan, ...
Amphibia-Reptilia 42 (4), 519-530, 2021
Dynamic evolutionary interplay between ontogenetic skull patterning and whole-head integration
J Ollonen, ER Khannoon, S Macrě, V Vergilov, J Kuurne, J Saarikivi, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 8 (3), 536-551, 2024
First record of tail bifurcations in the snake-eyed skink (Ablepharus kitaibelii Bibron & Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1833) from Pastrina hill (northwestern Bulgaria)
V Vergilov, N Natchev
Arxius de Miscelˇ lŕnia Zoolňgica 15, 224-228, 2017
Functional morphology of a highly specialised pivot joint in the cranio-cervical complex of the minute lizard Ablepharus kitaibelii in relation to feeding ecology and behaviour
N Natchev, N Tzankov, V Vergilov, S Kummer, S Handschuh
Contributions to Zoology 84 (1), 13-S3, 2015
Identification guide of the amphibians and reptiles in Vitosha Nature Park
N Tzankov, G Popgeorgiev, B Naumov, A Stojanov, Y Kornilev, B Petrov, ...
Directorate of Vitosha Nature Park, Bulgaria, 2014
Cranial kinesis in the miniaturised lizard Ablepharus kitaibelii (Squamata: Scincidae)
S Handschuh, N Natchev, S Kummer, CJ Beisser, P Lemell, A Herrel, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (9), jeb198291, 2019
The alien pond slider Trachemys scripta (Thunberg in Schoepff, 1792) in Bulgaria: Future prospects for an established and reproducing invasive species
YV Kornilev, S Lukanov, A Pulev, M Slavchev, K Andonov, E Vacheva, ...
Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 72 (4), 571-581, 2020
New records of Hierodula transcaucasica Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 (Mantodea) from Bulgaria
B Zlatkov, S Stefanov, V Gashtarov, V Vergilov
Historia naturalis bulgarica 41 (12), 99-101, 2020
New approaches for studying the functional anatomy of the phallus in Lepidoptera
B Zlatkov, V Vergilov, O Sivilov, JV Pérez Santa-Rita, J Baixeras
Zoomorphology 141 (3-4), 335-345, 2022
Age structure and growth in Bulgarian populations of Ablepharus kitaibelii (BIBRON & BORY DE SAINT-VINCENT, 1833)
V Vergilov, N Tzankov, B Zlatkov
Herpetozoa 30 (3-4), 179-185, 2018
First record of Ablepharus kitaibelii (Bibron & Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1833) in Montenegro
V Vergilov, G Hristov, S Lukanov, A Lambevska, N Tzankov
Biharean Biologist 10 (1), 65-66, 2016
Diversity and distribution of Amphibians and Reptiles in the Bulgarian Part of the Lower Danube
G Popgeorgiev, B Naumov, Y Kornilev, V Vergilov, M Slavchev, ...
Biodiversity of the Bulgarian-Romanian Section of the Lower Danube, 284-314, 2019
Notes on the hatching phases and the size of the juveniles in the Snake-eyed skink (Bibron & Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1833)
V Vergilov, N Natchev
Acta Scientifica Naturalis 5 (1), 69-74, 2018
Notes on the defensive behavior and activity of Ablepharus kitaibelii (Bibron & Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1833) in Bulgaria
V Vergilov
ZooNotes 116, 1-4, 2017
Karyotype stasis but species-specific repetitive DNA patterns in Anguis lizards (Squamata: Anguidae), in the evolutionary framework of Anguiformes
M Altmanová, M Doležálková-Kaštánková, D Jablonski, I Strachinis, ...
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, zlad153, 2023
Injuries reflecting intra-and interspecific interactions in the Snake-eyed Skink Ablepharus kitaibelii (Bibron & Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1833)(Squamata, Scincidae) from Bulgaria
V Vergilov, YV Kornilev
Herpetozoa 32, 171-175, 2019
Heavy metals in bones from harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena from the Western Black Sea Coast
V Evtimova, D Parvanov, A Grozdanov, F Tserkova, B Zlatkov, V Vergilov, ...
ZooNotes 136, 1-4, 2019
Reproduction of Snake-eyed Skink Ablepharus kitaibelii (Bibron & Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1833)(Squamata: Scincidae) in Bulgaria
VS Vergilov, VG Necheva, BP Zlatkov
Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 70 (4), 507-516, 2018
Hemipenial differentiation in the closely related congeners Ablepharus kitaibelii (Bibron & Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1833) and Ablepharus budaki Göçmen, Kumlutas & Tosunoglu, 1996
VS VergiloV, BNP ZlaTkoV, ND TZaNkoV
Herpetozoa 30 (1/2), 39-48, 2017
First 3-D reconstruction of copulation in Lepidoptera: interaction of genitalia in Tortrix viridana (Tortricidae)
B Zlatkov, V Vergilov, JV Pérez Santa-Rita, J Baixeras
Frontiers in Zoology 20 (1), 22, 2023
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Articles 1–20