Milan Stankovic
Milan Stankovic
Blindnet & Sorbonne Université
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Making Sense of Microposts (# Microposts2015) Named Entity rEcognition and Linking (NEEL) Challenge.
G Rizzo, AEC Basave, B Pereira, A Varga, M Rowe, M Stankovic, ...
# MSM, 44-53, 2015
Making sense of microposts:(# microposts2014) named entity extraction & linking challenge
AE Cano, G Rizzo, A Varga, M Rowe, M Stankovic, AS Dadzie
Ceur workshop proceedings 1141, 54-60, 2014
Looking for experts? What can linked data do for you?
M Stankovic, C Wagner, J Jovanovic, P Laublet
LDOW, 2010
Making sense of microposts (# msm2013) concept extraction challenge
AE Cano Basave, A Varga, M Rowe, M Stankovic, AS Dadzie
CEUR-WS. org, 2013
Linked data-based concept recommendation: Comparison of different methods in open innovation scenario
D Damljanovic, M Stankovic, P Laublet
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 9th Extended Semantic Web …, 2012
Who will follow whom? exploiting semantics for link prediction in attention-information networks
M Rowe, M Stankovic, H Alani
International Semantic Web Conference, 476-491, 2012
Linked data metrics for flexible expert search on the open web
M Stankovic, J Jovanovic, P Laublet
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 8th Extended Semantic Web …, 2011
An overview of smob 2: Open, semantic and distributed microblogging
A Passant, U Bojars, J Breslin, T Hastrup, M Stankovic, P Laublet
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 4 …, 2010
Modeling online presence
M Stankovic
J. Breslin, U. Bojars, A. Passant and S. Fernandez, editeurs, Proceedings of …, 2008
Travel attractions recommendation with knowledge graphs
C Lu, P Laublet, M Stankovic
Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 20th International …, 2016
Enhancing explanations in recommender systems with knowledge graphs
V Lully, P Laublet, M Stankovic, F Radulovic
Procedia Computer Science 137, 211-222, 2018
Directing status messages to their audience in online communities
M Stankovic, A Passant, P Laublet
International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and …, 2009
Mapping tweets to conference talks: A goldmine for semantics
M Stankovic, M Rowe, P Laublet
Workshop on Social Data on the Web, Shanghai, China 664, 2010
Finding co-solvers on twitter, with a little help from linked data
M Stankovic, M Rowe, P Laublet
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 9th Extended Semantic Web …, 2012
Linked-data based suggestion of relevant topics
M Stankovic, W Breitfuss, P Laublet
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 49-55, 2011
Semantic web evaluation challenges
F Gandon, E Cabrio, M Stankovic, A Zimmermann
Computer Science and Information Systems 548, 2015
Aligning tweets with events: Automation via semantics
M Rowe, M Stankovic
Semantic Web 3 (2), 115-130, 2012
Open innovation and semantic web: Problem solver search on linked data
M Stankovic
Proceedings of International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 7th-11th …, 2010
Mapping tweets to conference talks: A goldmine for semantics
M Rowe, M Stankovic
Online presence in adaptive learning on the social semantic web
J Jovanovic, D Gasevic, M Stankovic, Z Jeremic, M Siadaty
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering 4 …, 2009
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Artículos 1–20