Jingkun Gao
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Cited by
Time series data augmentation for deep learning: A survey
Q Wen, L Sun, F Yang, X Song, J Gao, X Wang, H Xu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.12478, 2020
Brick: Towards a unified metadata schema for buildings
B Balaji, A Bhattacharya, G Fierro, J Gao, J Gluck, D Hong, A Johansen, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy …, 2016
Brick: Metadata schema for portable smart building applications
B Balaji, A Bhattacharya, G Fierro, J Gao, J Gluck, D Hong, A Johansen, ...
Applied energy 226, 1273-1292, 2018
PLAID: a public dataset of high-resolution electrical appliance measurements for load identification research: demo abstract
J Gao, S Giri, EC Kara, M Bergés
Proceedings of the 1st ACM Conference on Embedded Systems for Energy …, 2014
RobustSTL: A robust seasonal-trend decomposition algorithm for long time series
Q Wen, J Gao, X Song, L Sun, H Xu, S Zhu
The 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19) 33, 5409-5416, 2019
RobustTAD: Robust time series anomaly detection via decomposition and convolutional neural networks
J Gao, X Song, Q Wen, P Wang, L Sun, H Xu
ACM KDD 2020 Workshop on Mining and Learning from Time Series, 2020
A feasibility study of automated plug-load identification from high-frequency measurements
J Gao, EC Kara, S Giri, M Bergés
2015 IEEE global conference on signal and information processing (GlobalSIP …, 2015
A voltage and current measurement dataset for plug load appliance identification in households
R Medico, L De Baets, J Gao, S Giri, E Kara, T Dhaene, C Develder, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 49, 2020
A data-driven meta-data inference framework for building automation systems
J Gao, J Ploennigs, M Berges
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Conference on Embedded Systems for …, 2015
Handling imbalance in an extended PLAID
L De Baets, C Develder, T Dhaene, D Deschrijver, J Gao, M Berges
2017 Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT), 1-5, 2017
RobustTrend: A Huber loss with a combined first and second order difference regularization for time series trend filtering
Q Wen, J Gao, X Song, L Sun, J Tan
The 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-19), 2019
A large-scale evaluation of automated metadata inference approaches on sensors from air handling units
J Gao, M Bergés
Advanced Engineering Informatics 37, 14-30, 2018
Contribution of cations to the photoluminescence properties of Eu-doped barium oxonitridosilicates phosphors
JY Tang, JK Gao, JH Chen, LY Hao, X Xu, MH Lee
Computational materials science 79, 478-484, 2013
Mortar. io: A concrete building automation system: Demo abstract
C Palmer, P Lazik, M Buevich, J Gao, M Berges, A Rowe, RL Pereira, ...
Proceedings of the 1st ACM Conference on Embedded Systems for Energy …, 2014
Data-Driven operation of building systems: present challenges and future prospects
M Bergés, H Lange, J Gao
Advanced Computing Strategies for Engineering: 25th EG-ICE International …, 2018
First-principle Studies on Enhanced Optical Stability of BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+ Phosphor by SiN Doping
Y Wang, Y Wang, J Gao, MH Lee, W He, X Xu, L Hao, J Chen
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 25 (4), 398-402, 2012
Time series decomposition
W Qingsong, J Gao, S Xiaomin, L Sun, H Xu, W Yin, T Yao
US Patent 11,146,445, 2021
Portable Queries Using the Brick Schema for Building Applications: Demo Abstract
B Balaji, A Bhattacharya, G Fierro, J Gao, J Gluck, D Hong, A Johansen, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy …, 2016
Regression modeling of sparse acyclic graphs in time series causal inference
Y Li, J Gao, S Xiaomin, L Sun, T Yao
US Patent 11,694,097, 2023
Periodicity detection and period length estimation in time series
W Qingsong, K He, J Gao, L Sun, J Tan, T Yao
US Patent 11,132,342, 2021
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Articles 1–20