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A global database of sea surface dimethylsulfide (DMS) measurements and a procedure to predict sea surface DMS as a function of latitude, longitude, and month AJ Kettle, MO Andreae, D Amouroux, TW Andreae, TS Bates, ... Global Biogeochemical Cycles 13 (2), 399-444, 1999 | 725 | 1999 |
New and important roles for DMSP in marine microbial communities RP Kiene, LJ Linn, JA Bruton Journal of Sea Research 43 (3-4), 209-224, 2000 | 681 | 2000 |
Genome sequence of Silicibacter pomeroyi reveals adaptations to the marine environment MA Moran, A Buchan, JM González, JF Heidelberg, WB Whitman, ... Nature 432 (7019), 910-913, 2004 | 523 | 2004 |
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Transformation of Sulfur Compounds by an Abundant Lineage of Marine Bacteria in the α-Subclass of the ClassProteobacteria JM González, RP Kiene, MA Moran Applied and environmental microbiology 65 (9), 3810-3819, 1999 | 433 | 1999 |
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Dimethylsulfoniopropionate and methanethiol are important precursors of methionine and protein-sulfur in marine bacterioplankton RP Kiene, LJ Linn, J González, MA Moran, JA Bruton Applied and environmental microbiology 65 (10), 4549-4558, 1999 | 301 | 1999 |
Impact of dimethylsulfide photochemistry on methyl sulfur cycling in the equatorial Pacific Ocean DJ Kieber, J Jiao, RP Kiene, TS Bates Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 101 (C2), 3715-3722, 1996 | 297 | 1996 |
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Contribution of SAR11 bacteria to dissolved dimethylsulfoniopropionate and amino acid uptake in the North Atlantic Ocean RR Malmstrom, RP Kiene, MT Cottrell, DL Kirchman Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70 (7), 4129-4135, 2004 | 278 | 2004 |
Methane production in aerobic oligotrophic surface water in the central Arctic Ocean E Damm, E Helmke, S Thoms, U Schauer, E Nöthig, K Bakker, RP Kiene Biogeosciences 7 (3), 1099-1108, 2010 | 256 | 2010 |
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Distribution and turnover of dissolved DMSP and its relationship with bacterial production and dimethylsulfide in the Gulf of Mexico RP Kiene, LJ Linn Limnology and Oceanography 45 (4), 849-861, 2000 | 246 | 2000 |