Gérôme Calvès
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Correlation of Himalayan exhumation rates and Asian monsoon intensity
PD Clift, KV Hodges, D Heslop, R Hannigan, H Van Long, G Calves
Nature geoscience 1 (12), 875-880, 2008
Seismic volcanostratigraphy of the western Indian rifted margin: The pre-Deccan igneous province
G Calvès, AM Schwab, M Huuse, PD Clift, C Gaina, D Jolley, AR Tabrez, ...
The Peruvian sub-Andean foreland basin system: Structural overview, geochronologic constraints, and unexplored plays
P Baby, Y Calderón, S Brusset, M Roddaz, S Brichau, A Eude, G Calves, ...
AAPG Special Volumes, 2018
Giant fossil mass wasting off the coast of West India: the Nataraja submarine slide
G Calvès, M Huuse, PD Clift, S Brusset
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 432, 265-272, 2015
Tectonics of the Deccan large igneous province: An introduction
S Mukherjee, AA Misra, G Calvès, M Nemčok
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 445 (1), 1-9, 2017
Anomalous subsidence on the rifted volcanic margin of Pakistan: no influence from Deccan plume
G Calvès, PD Clift, A Inam
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 272 (1-2), 231-239, 2008
Post-rift magmatism on the northern South China Sea margin
Q Sun, TM Alves, M Zhao, JC Sibuet, G Calvès, X Xie
GSA Bulletin 132 (11-12), 2382-2396, 2020
Inferring denudation variations from the sediment record; an example of the last glacial cycle record of the Golo Basin and watershed, East Corsica, western Mediterranean sea
G Calves, S Toucanne, G Jouet, S Charrier, E Thereau, J Etoubleau, ...
Basin Research 25 (2), 197-218, 2013
Controls on the geochemistry of suspended sediments from large tropical South American rivers (Amazon, Orinoco and Maroni)
TCC Rousseau, M Roddaz, JS Moquet, H Handt Delgado, G Calvès, ...
Chemical Geology 522, 38-54, 2019
Petroleum systems restoration of the Huallaga—Marañon Andean retroforeland basin, Peru
Y Calderón, Y Vela, C Hurtado, R Bolaños, P Baby, A Eude, M Roddaz, ...
AAPG Special Volumes, 2017
New evidence for the origin of the Porcupine Median Volcanic Ridge: Early Cretaceous volcanism in the Porcupine Basin, Atlantic margin of Ireland
G Calvès, T Torvela, M Huuse, MG Dinkleman
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 13 (6), 2012
Three‐dimensional seismic analysis of high‐amplitude anomalies in the shallow subsurface of the Northern Indus Fan: Sedimentary and/or fluid origin
G Calves, M Huuse, A Schwab, P Clift
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (B11), 2008
Cenozoic mud volcano activity along the Indus Fan: offshore Pakistan
G Calvès, AM Schwab, M Huuse, P van Rensbergen, PD Clift, AR Tabrez, ...
Basin Research 22 (4), 398-413, 2010
Thermal regime of the northwest Indian rifted margin–comparison with predictions
G Calvès, AM Schwab, M Huuse, PD Clift, A Inam
Marine and Petroleum Geology 27 (5), 1133-1147, 2010
Cretaceous continental margin evolution revealed using quantitative seismic geomorphology, offshore northwest Africa
M Casson, G Calvès, J Redfern, M Huuse, B Sayers
Basin research, 2020
Seismic evidence of gas hydrates, multiple BSRs and fluid flow offshore Tumbes Basin, Peru
Constance Auguy, Gérôme Calvès, Ysabel Calderon, Stéphane Brusset
Marine Geophysical Research, 2017
Large-scale mass wasting on the Miocene continental margin of western India
SK Dailey, PD Clift, DK Kulhanek, J Blusztajn, CM Routledge, G Calvès, ...
Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2019
Seismic stratigraphy of Cretaceous eastern Central Atlantic Ocean: Basin evolution and palaeoceanographic implications
Y Mourlot, G Calvès, PD Clift, G Baby, AC Chaboureau, F Raisson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 499, 107-121, 2018
Geochemical Evidence for Large‐Scale Drainage Reorganization in Northwest Africa During the Cretaceous
Y Mourlot, M Roddaz, G Dera, G Calvès, JH Kim, AC Chaboureau, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2018
Evaluating the segmented post-rift stratigraphic architecture of the Guyanas continental margin
M Casson, J Jeremiah, G Calvès, F de Ville de Goyet, K Reuber, ...
Petroleum Geoscience, 2021
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Articles 1–20