Aitor Cambeses
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Cited by
Unraveling sources of A-type magmas in juvenile continental crust: constraints from compositionally diverse Ediacaran post-collisional granitoids in the Katerina Ring Complex …
JA Moreno, JF Molina, P Montero, MA Anbar, JH Scarrow, A Cambeses, ...
Lithos 192, 56-85, 2014
Palaeogeography and crustal evolution of the Ossa–Morena Zone, southwest Iberia, and the North Gondwana margin during the Cambro-Ordovician: a review of isotopic evidence
A Cambeses, JH Scarrow, P Montero, C Lázaro, F Bea
International Geology Review 59 (1), 94-130, 2017
Contrasting SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages of two carbonatite complexes from the peri-cratonic terranes of the Reguibat Shield: Implications for the lateral extension of the West …
P Montero, F Haissen, A Mouttaqi, JF Molina, A Errami, O Sadki, ...
Gondwana Research 38, 238-250, 2016
SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating of the Katerina Ring Complex: insights into the temporal sequence of Ediacaran calc-alkaline to peralkaline magmatism in southern Sinai, Egypt
JA Moreno, P Montero, MA Anbar, JF Molina, JH Scarrow, C Talavera, ...
Gondwana Research 21 (4), 887-900, 2012
Lu-Hf ratios of crustal rocks and their bearing on zircon Hf isotope model ages: the effects of accessories
F Bea, P Montero, JF Molina, JH Scarrow, A Cambeses, JA Moreno
Chemical Geology 484, 179-190, 2018
SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating of the Valencia del Ventoso plutonic complex, Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia: Early Carboniferous intra-orogenic extension-related ‘calc-alkaline’magmatism
A Cambeses, JH Scarrow, P Montero, JF Molina, JA Moreno
Gondwana Research 28 (2), 735-756, 2015
Zircon stability grids in crustal partial melts: Implications for zircon inheritance
F Bea, I Morales, JF Molina, P Montero, A Cambeses
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 176, 1-13, 2021
Multiple veining in a paleo–accretionary wedge: The metamorphic rock record of prograde dehydration and transient high pore-fluid pressures along the subduction interface …
J Muñoz-Montecinos, S Angiboust, A Cambeses, A García-Casco
Geosphere 16 (3), 765-786, 2020
Rehydration of eclogites and garnet-replacement processes during exhumation in the amphibolite facies
T Hyppolito, A Cambeses, S Angiboust, T Raimondo, A García-Casco, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 478 (1), 217-239, 2019
A 100-my-long window onto mass-flow processes in the Patagonian Mesozoic subduction zone (Diego de Almagro Island, Chile)
S Angiboust, A Cambeses, T Hyppolito, J Glodny, P Monié, M Calderón, ...
Bulletin 130 (9-10), 1439-1456, 2018
Zircon crystallization in low-Zr mafic magmas: Possible or impossible?
F Bea, N Bortnikov, A Cambeses, S Chakraborty, JF Molina, P Montero, ...
Chemical Geology 602, 120898, 2022
Hot subduction in the middle Jurassic and partial melting of oceanic crust in Chilean Patagonia
S Angiboust, T Hyppolito, J Glodny, A Cambeses, A Garcia-Casco, ...
Gondwana Research 42, 104-125, 2017
Pathways for quantitative analysis by X-ray diffraction
JD Martín-Ramos, JL Díaz-Hernández, A Cambeses, JH Scarrow, ...
An introduction to the study of Mineralogy. Croatia, webpage: Intechweb. org …, 2012
A reassessment of the amphibole-plagioclase NaSi-CaAl exchange thermometer with applications to igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks
JF Molina, A Cambeses, JA Moreno, I Morales, P Montero, F Bea
American Mineralogist 106 (5), 782-800, 2021
From magmatic generation to UHP metamorphic overprint and subsequent exhumation: A rapid cycle of plate movement recorded by the supra-subduction zone ophiolite from the North …
X Chen, HP Schertl, A Cambeses, P Gu, R Xu, Y Zheng, X Jiang, P Cai
Lithos 350, 105238, 2019
Devonian magmatism in the Timan Range, Arctic Russia—subduction, post-orogenic extension, or rifting?
V Pease, JH Scarrow, IGN Silva, A Cambeses
Tectonophysics 691, 185-197, 2016
Mineralogical evidence for lamproite magma mixing and storage at mantle depths: Socovos fault lamproites, SE Spain
A Cambeses, A Garcia-Casco, JH Scarrow, P Montero, LA Pérez-Valera, ...
Lithos 266, 182-201, 2016
Mobilization and fractionation of Ti-Nb-Ta during exhumation of deeply subducted continental crust
X Chen, HP Schertl, E Hart, J Majka, A Cambeses, D Hernández-Uribe, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 319, 271-295, 2022
Constraints of mantle and crustal sources and interaction during orogenesis: a zircon SHRIMP U-Th-Pb and O isotope study of the ‘calc-alkaline’Brovales pluton, Ossa-Morena Zone …
A Cambeses, P Montero, JF Molina, T Hyppolito, F Bea
Lithos 324, 661-683, 2019
Drainage of subduction interface fluids into the forearc mantle evidenced by a pristine jadeitite network (Polar Urals)
S Angiboust, J Glodny, A Cambeses, T Raimondo, P Monié, M Popov, ...
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 39 (4), 473-500, 2021
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Articles 1–20