Bert Hidding
Bert Hidding
Policy advisor at the Delfland waterboard
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Cited by
Effect of macrophyte community composition and nutrient enrichment on plant biomass and algal blooms
ES Bakker, E Van Donk, SAJ Declerck, NR Helmsing, B Hidding, BA Nolet
Basic and Applied Ecology 11 (5), 432-439, 2010
A large herbivore triggers alternative successional trajectories in the boreal forest
B Hidding, JP Tremblay, S Côté
Ecology 94 (12), 2852-2860, 2013
Synergy between shading and herbivory triggers macrophyte loss and regime shifts in aquatic systems
B Hidding, ES Bakker, MJM Hootsmans, S Hilt
Oikos 125 (10), 1489-1495, 2016
Survival and growth of balsam fir seedlings and saplings under multiple controlled ungulate densities
B Hidding, JP Tremblay, SD Côté
Forest Ecology and Management 276, 96-103, 2012
Optimal foraging and risk of claw damage: how flexible are shore crabs in their prey size selectivity?
IM Smallegange, B Hidding, JMA Eppenga, J van der Meer
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 367 (2), 157-163, 2008
How a bottom‐dweller beats the canopy: inhibition of an aquatic weed (Potamogeton pectinatus) by macroalgae (Chara spp.)
B Hidding, RJ Brederveld, BA Nolet
Freshwater Biology 55 (8), 1758-1768, 2010
Above-and below-ground vertebrate herbivory may each favour a different subordinate species in an aquatic plant community
B Hidding, BA Nolet, T De Boer, PP De Vries, M Klaassen
Oecologia 162, 199-208, 2010
Differences in tolerance of pondweeds and charophytes to vertebrate herbivores in a shallow Baltic estuary
B Hidding, ES Bakker, F Keuper, T De Boer, PP De Vries, BA Nolet
Aquatic Botany 93 (2), 123-128, 2010
Compensatory growth in an aquatic plant mediates exploitative competition between seasonally tied herbivores
B Hidding, BA Nolet, T Boer, PP Vries, M Klaassen
Ecology 90 (7), 1891-1899, 2009
Molecular evidence reveals a polyphyletic origin and chromosomal speciation of Lake Baikal's endemic asellid isopods
B Hidding, E Michel, AV Natyaganova, DY Sherbakov
Molecular Ecology 12 (6), 1509-1514, 2003
Flooding tolerance and horizontal expansion of wetland plants: Facilitation by floating mats?
B Hidding, JM Sarneel, ES Bakker
Aquatic botany 113, 83-89, 2014
Burial depth distribution of fennel pondweed tubers (Potamogeton pectinatus) in relation to foraging by Bewick's swans
B Hidding, BA Nolet, MR van Eerden, M Guillemain, M Klaassen
Aquatic botany 90 (4), 321-327, 2009
Predicting population and community dynamics: The type of aggregation matters
KM Meyer, K Schiffers, T Münkemüller, M Schädler, JM Calabrese, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 11 (7), 563-571, 2010
The effect of herbivores on genotypic diversity in a clonal aquatic plant
B Hidding, PG Meirmans, M Klaassen, T de Boer, NJ Ouborg, ...
Oikos 123 (9), 1112-1120, 2014
Aquatic plant shows flexible avoidance by escape from tuber predation by swans
B Hidding, M Klaassen, T de Boer, PP de Vries, BA Nolet
Basic and Applied Ecology 13 (1), 50-58, 2012
A generalist rodent benefits from logging regardless of deer density
G Darmon, B Hidding, S De Bellefeuille, JP Tremblay, SD Côté
Ecoscience 20 (4), 319-327, 2013
Effecten van waterpeilfluctuatie op vegetatie
JM Sarneel, B Hidding, CHA Van Leeuwen, GF Veen, J van Paassen, ...
NIOO, 2012
Seizoenstiming bepalend voor concurrentie Kleine zwanen en Knobbelzwanen
B Hidding, B Nolet, F Rienks
De Levende Natuur 110 (7), 361-363, 2009
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
B Hidding, JP Tremblay, SD Cote
Ecology 94 (12), 2852-2860, 2013
Survival and growth of balsam fir seedlings and saplings under multiple controlled ungulate densities
JP Tremblay, B Hidding, SD Côté
Elsevier, 2012
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Articles 1–20