Bruno De Vos
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Cited by
Environment and host as large-scale controls of ectomycorrhizal fungi
S van der Linde, LM Suz, CDL Orme, F Cox, H Andreae, E Asi, B Atkinson, ...
Nature 558 (7709), 243-248, 2018
Predictive quality of pedotransfer functions for estimating bulk density of forest soils
B De Vos, M Van Meirvenne, P Quataert, J Deckers, B Muys
Soil Science Society of America Journal 69 (2), 500-510, 2005
Tree species is the major factor explaining C: N ratios in European forest soils
N Cools, L Vesterdal, B De Vos, E Vanguelova, K Hansen
Forest Ecology and Management 311, 3-16, 2014
Walkley–Black analysis of forest soil organic carbon: recovery, limitations and uncertainty
B De Vos, S Lettens, B Muys, JA Deckers
Soil use and management 23 (3), 221-229, 2007
Comparison of unimodal analytical expressions for the soil‐water retention curve
WM Cornelis, M Khlosi, R Hartmann, M Van Meirvenne, B De Vos
Soil Science Society of America Journal 69 (6), 1902-1911, 2005
Assessing the effects of initial soil characteristics, machine mass and traffic intensity on forest soil compaction
E Ampoorter, L Van Nevel, B De Vos, M Hermy, K Verheyen
Forest Ecology and Management 260 (10), 1664-1676, 2010
Benchmark values for forest soil carbon stocks in Europe: Results from a large scale forest soil survey
B De Vos, N Cools, H Ilvesniemi, L Vesterdal, E Vanguelova, S Carnicelli
Geoderma 251, 33-46, 2015
Growth and trace metal accumulation of two Salix clones on sediment-derived soils with increasing contamination levels
B Vandecasteele, E Meers, P Vervaeke, B De Vos, P Quataert, FMG Tack
Chemosphere 58 (8), 995-1002, 2005
Linking variability in soil solution dissolved organic carbon to climate, soil type, and vegetation type
M Camino‐Serrano, B Gielen, S Luyssaert, P Ciais, S Vicca, B Guenet, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 28 (5), 497-509, 2014
Capability of loss‐on‐ignition as a predictor of total organic carbon in non‐calcareous forest soils
B De Vos, B Vandecasteele, J Deckers, B Muys
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 36 (19-20), 2899-2921, 2005
Differences in chemical composition of soil organic matter in natural ecosystems from different climatic regions–A pyrolysis–GC/MS study
K Vancampenhout, K Wouters, B De Vos, P Buurman, R Swennen, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (3), 568-579, 2009
Sampling and analysis of soil. Manual part X
N Cools, B De Vos
Manual on methods and criteria for harmonized sampling, assessment …, 2010
Phosphorus nutrition of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is decreasing in Europe
U Talkner, KJ Meiwes, N Potočić, I Seletković, N Cools, B De Vos, ...
Annals of forest science 72, 919-928, 2015
Stocks and fluxes of soil organic carbon for landscape units in Belgium derived from heterogeneous data sets for 1990 and 2000
S Lettens, J Van Orshoven, B van Wesemael, B De Vos, B Muys
Geoderma 127 (1-2), 11-23, 2005
Forest tree growth is linked to mycorrhizal fungal composition and function across Europe
MA Anthony, TW Crowther, S Van Der Linde, LM Suz, MI Bidartondo, ...
The ISME Journal 16 (5), 1327-1336, 2022
Spatial structures of soil organic carbon in tropical forests—a case study of Southeastern Tanzania
J Rossi, A Govaerts, B De Vos, B Verbist, A Vervoort, J Poesen, B Muys, ...
Catena 77 (1), 19-27, 2009
Variable carbon recovery of Walkley‐Black analysis and implications for national soil organic carbon accounting
S Lettens, B De Vos, P Quataert, B Van Wesemael, B Muys, ...
European Journal of Soil Science 58 (6), 1244-1253, 2007
Cadmium and zinc uptake by volunteer willow species and elder rooting in polluted dredged sediment disposal sites
B Vandecasteele, B De Vos, FMG Tack
Science of the Total Environment 299 (1-3), 191-205, 2002
Assessing soil organic carbon stocks under current and potential forest cover using digital soil mapping and spatial generalisation
S Ottoy, B De Vos, A Sindayihebura, M Hermy, J Van Orshoven
Ecological indicators 77, 139-150, 2017
Sources of errors and uncertainties in the assessment of forest soil carbon stocks at different scales—review and recommendations
EI Vanguelova, E Bonifacio, B De Vos, MR Hoosbeek, TW Berger, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188, 1-24, 2016
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Articles 1–20