Rachel N. Silverstein
Rachel N. Silverstein
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Change in algal symbiont communities after bleaching, not prior heat exposure, increases heat tolerance of reef corals
RN Silverstein, R Cunning, AC Baker
Global change biology 21 (1), 236-249, 2015
Specificity is rarely absolute in coral–algal symbiosis: implications for coral response to climate change
RN Silverstein, AMS Correa, AC Baker
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1738), 2609-2618, 2012
Investigating the causes and consequences of symbiont shuffling in a multi-partner reef coral symbiosis under environmental change
R Cunning, RN Silverstein, AC Baker
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1809), 20141725, 2015
Tenacious D: Symbiodinium in clade D remain in reef corals at both high and low temperature extremes despite impairment
RN Silverstein, R Cunning, AC Baker
Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (7), 1192-1196, 2017
Development of gene expression markers of acute heat-light stress in reef-building corals of the genus Porites
CD Kenkel, G Aglyamova, A Alamaru, R Bhagooli, R Capper, R Cunning, ...
PloS one 6 (10), e26914, 2011
Novel algal symbiont (Symbiodinium spp.) diversity in reef corals of Western Australia
RN Silverstein, AMS Correa, TC LaJeunesse, AC Baker
Marine Ecology Progress Series 422, 63-75, 2011
Symbiont shuffling linked to differential photochemical dynamics of Symbiodinium in three Caribbean reef corals
R Cunning, RN Silverstein, AC Baker
Coral reefs 37, 145-152, 2018
Extensive coral mortality and critical habitat loss following dredging and their association with remotely-sensed sediment plumes
R Cunning, RN Silverstein, BB Barnes, AC Baker
Marine Pollution Bulletin 145, 185-199, 2019
Sediment plumes induced by the Port of Miami dredging: Analysis and interpretation using Landsat and MODIS data
BB Barnes, C Hu, C Kovach, RN Silverstein
Remote Sensing of Environment 170, 328-339, 2015
Further action on bycatch could boost United States fisheries performance
RA Pelc, LM Max, W Norden, S Roberts, R Silverstein, SR Wilding
Marine Policy 56, 56-60, 2015
A System for Resilience Learning: Developing a Community-Driven, Multi-Sector Research Approach for Greater Preparedness and Resilience to Long-Term Climate Stressors and …
TG Troxler, AC Clement, Y Arditi-Rocha, G Beesing, M Bhat, J Bolson, ...
Journal of extreme events 8 (03), 2150019, 2021
The importance of the rare: The role of background Symbiodinium in the response of reef corals to environmental change
RN Silverstein
University of Miami, 2012
Sediment Plumes Resulting from the Port of Miami Dredging: Analysis and Interpretation Using Satellite Data and Long Term Monitoring Programs
BB Barnes, C Hu, C Kovach, RN Silverstein
American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016, EC33A-04, 2016
Nitrogen Isotopic Studies in an Urban Estuary: Not Just a story of Anthropogenic Influences
P Swart, A Saied, M Gidley, A Karim, E Kelly, R Silverstein, C Sinigalliano, ...
EGU24, 2024
Regional Scale Water Quality Characterizations Integrating Molecular Microbial Source Tracking to Help Guide Management and Mitigation for the Highly Urbanized Watershed Region …
CD Sinigalliano, ML Gidley, R Bremer, R Elsensohn, RN Silverstein, ...
2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2024
Bracing for Oil
RN Silverstein
Science 329 (5990), 388-388, 2010
Integrative gene expression analysis of stress response in Porites astreoides
CD Kenkel, A Alamaru, JR Cunning, K Kuehl, H Mahmoud, CV Palmer, ...
Cyanobacteria in Florida Triennial Review of Water Quality Standards–Waterkeepers Florida 2019-05-31
L Rinaman, J Lomberk, G Ackerman, A Riverkeeper, J Cassani, ...
algal symbiosis:− Specificity is rarely absolute in coral
RN Silverstein, AMS Correa, AC Baker
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Articles 1–19