Nyeema C Harris
Nyeema C Harris
Associate Professor, Yale University
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The sixth mass coextinction: are most endangered species parasites and mutualists?
RR Dunn, NC Harris, RK Colwell, LP Koh, NS Sodhi
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1670), 3037-3045, 2009
The ecological and evolutionary consequences of systemic racism in urban environments
CJ Schell, K Dyson, TL Fuentes, S Des Roches, NC Harris, DS Miller, ...
Science 369 (6510), eaay4497, 2020
Global drivers of human pathogen richness and prevalence
RR Dunn, TJ Davies, NC Harris, MC Gavin
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1694), 2587-2595, 2010
Coextinction and persistence of dependent species in a changing world
RK Colwell, RR Dunn, NC Harris
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 43 (1), 183-203, 2012
Parasite biodiversity faces extinction and redistribution in a changing climate
CJ Carlson, KR Burgio, ER Dougherty, AJ Phillips, VM Bueno, ...
Science advances 3 (9), e1602422, 2017
Neonatal mortality of elk driven by climate, predator phenology and predator community composition
KA Griffin, M Hebblewhite, HS Robinson, P Zager, SM Barber‐Meyer, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 80 (6), 1246-1257, 2011
Paradigms for parasite conservation
ER Dougherty, CJ Carlson, VM Bueno, KR Burgio, CA Cizauskas, ...
Conservation biology 30 (4), 724-733, 2016
Socio‐eco‐evolutionary dynamics in cities
S Des Roches, KI Brans, MR Lambert, LR Rivkin, AM Savage, CJ Schell, ...
Evolutionary Applications 14 (1), 248-267, 2021
The complexity of urban eco-evolutionary dynamics
M Alberti, EP Palkovacs, SD Roches, LD Meester, KI Brans, L Govaert, ...
BioScience 70 (9), 772-793, 2020
Disturbance type and species life history predict mammal responses to humans
JP Suraci, KM Gaynor, ML Allen, P Alexander, JS Brashares, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (16), 3718-3731, 2021
Parasite vulnerability to climate change: an evidence-based functional trait approach
CA Cizauskas, CJ Carlson, KR Burgio, CF Clements, ER Dougherty, ...
Royal Society open science 4 (1), 160535, 2017
Inferences about ungulate population dynamics derived from age ratios
NC Harris, MJ Kauffman, LS Mills
The Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (5), 1143-1151, 2008
Dynamics in the global protected‐area estate since 2004
E Lewis, B MacSharry, D Juffe‐Bignoli, N Harris, G Burrows, N Kingston, ...
Conservation Biology 33 (3), 570-579, 2019
Recreating Wakanda by promoting Black excellence in ecology and evolution
CJ Schell, C Guy, DS Shelton, SC Campbell-Staton, BA Sealey, DN Lee, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (10), 1285-1287, 2020
Academic leaders must support inclusive scientific communities during COVID-19
B Maas, KE Grogan, Y Chirango, N Harris, LF Liévano-Latorre, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 4 (8), 997-998, 2020
SNAPSHOT USA 2019: a coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States
MV Cove, R Kays, H Bontrager, C Bresnan, M Lasky, T Frerichs, R Klann, ...
Ecology 102 (6), e03353, 2021
Using host associations to predict spatial patterns in the species richness of the parasites of North American carnivores
NC Harris, RR Dunn
Ecology letters 13 (11), 1411-1418, 2010
A global horizon scan for urban evolutionary ecology
BC Verrelli, M Alberti, S Des Roches, NC Harris, AP Hendry, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37 (11), 1006-1019, 2022
Ectoparasites in Black-footed Ferrets (Mustela nigripes) from the Largest Reintroduced Population of the Conata Basin, South Dakota, USA
NC Harris, TM Livieri, RR Dunn
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50 (2), 340-343, 2014
First camera survey in Burkina Faso and Niger reveals human pressures on mammal communities within the largest protected area complex in West Africa
NC Harris, KL Mills, Y Harissou, EM Hema, IT Gnoumou, J VanZoeren, ...
Conservation Letters 12 (5), e12667, 2019
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Articles 1–20