Michael Cusack
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African dust contributions to mean ambient PM10 mass-levels across the Mediterranean Basin
X Querol, J Pey, M Pandolfi, A Alastuey, M Cusack, N Pérez, T Moreno, ...
Atmospheric Environment 43 (28), 4266-4277, 2009
Variability of Particle Number, Black Carbon, and PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 Levels and Speciation: Influence of Road Traffic Emissions on Urban Air Quality
N Pérez, J Pey, M Cusack, C Reche, X Querol, A Alastuey, M Viana
Aerosol Science and Technology 44 (7), 487-499, 2010
Exponential increase of plastic burial in mangrove sediments as a major plastic sink
C Martin, F Baalkhuyur, L Valluzzi, V Saderne, M Cusack, H Almahasheer, ...
Science advances 6 (44), eaaz5593, 2020
Variability in regional background aerosols within the Mediterranean
X Querol, A Alastuey, J Pey, M Cusack, N Pérez, N Mihalopoulos, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (14), 4575-4591, 2009
Fossil versus contemporary sources of fine elemental and organic carbonaceous particulate matter during the DAURE campaign in Northeast Spain
MC Minguillón, N Perron, X Querol, S Szidat, SM Fahrni, A Alastuey, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (23), 12067-12084, 2011
Trends of particulate matter (PM2.5) and chemical composition at a regional background site in the Western Mediterranean over the last nine years (2002–2010)
M Cusack, A Alastuey, N Perez, J Pey, X Querol
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (18), 8341-8357, 2012
Role of carbonate burial in Blue Carbon budgets
V Saderne, NR Geraldi, PI Macreadie, DT Maher, JJ Middelburg, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1106, 2019
Neural network model for the prediction of PM10 daily concentrations in two sites in the Western Mediterranean
G de Gennaro, L Trizio, A Di Gilio, J Pey, N Pérez, M Cusack, A Alastuey, ...
Science of the Total Environment 463, 875-883, 2013
Variability of carbonaceous aerosols in remote, rural, urban and industrial environments in Spain: implications for air quality policy
X Querol, A Alastuey, M Viana, T Moreno, C Reche, MC Minguillón, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (13), 6185-6206, 2013
PM2. 5 chemical composition at a rural background site in Central Europe, including correlation and air mass back trajectory analysis
J Schwarz, M Cusack, J Karban, E Chalupníčková, V Havránek, J Smolík, ...
Atmospheric Research 176, 108-120, 2016
Variations in time and space of trace metal aerosol concentrations in urban areas and their surroundings
T Moreno, X Querol, A Alastuey, C Reche, M Cusack, F Amato, M Pandolfi, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (17), 9415-9430, 2011
Variability of aerosol optical properties in the Western Mediterranean Basin
M Pandolfi, M Cusack, A Alastuey, X Querol
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (15), 8189-8203, 2011
Source apportionment of fine PM and sub-micron particle number concentrations at a regional background site in the western Mediterranean: a 2.5 year study
M Cusack, N Perez, J Pey, A Alastuey, X Querol
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (10), 5173-5187, 2013
Intense winter atmospheric pollution episodes affecting the Western Mediterranean
J Pey, N Pérez, X Querol, A Alastuey, M Cusack, C Reche
Science of the total environment 408 (8), 1951-1959, 2010
Organic carbon sequestration and storage in vegetated coastal habitats along the western coast of the Arabian Gulf
M Cusack, V Saderne, A Arias-Ortiz, P Masque, PK Krishnakumar, ...
Environmental Research Letters 13 (7), 074007, 2018
Variability of aerosols and chemical composition of PM10, PM2. 5 and PM1 on a platform of the Prague underground metro
M Cusack, N Talbot, J Ondráček, MC Minguillón, V Martins, K Klouda, ...
Atmospheric Environment 118, 176-183, 2015
Accumulation of carbonates contributes to coastal vegetated ecosystems keeping pace with sea level rise in an arid region (Arabian Peninsula)
V Saderne, M Cusack, H Almahasheer, O Serrano, P Masqué, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123 (5), 1498-1510, 2018
Urban NH3 levels and sources in six major Spanish cities
C Reche, M Viana, A Karanasiou, M Cusack, A Alastuey, B Artiñano, ...
Chemosphere 119, 769-777, 2015
Detailed comparison of OC/EC aerosol at an urban and a rural Czech background site during summer and winter
P Vodička, J Schwarz, M Cusack, V Ždímal
Science of the Total Environment 518, 424-433, 2015
Lethal Zika virus disease models in young and older interferon α/β receptor knock out mice
A Marzi, J Emanuel, J Callison, KL McNally, N Arndt, S Chadinha, ...
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 8, 117, 2018
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Articles 1–20