Micheal Davis
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Irreconcilable differences: fine-root life spans and soil carbon persistence
AE Strand, SG Pritchard, ML McCormack, MA Davis, R Oren
Science 319 (5862), 456-458, 2008
Fine root dynamics in a loblolly pine forest are influenced by free‐air‐CO2‐enrichment: a six‐year‐minirhizotron study
SG Pritchard, AE Strand, ML McCormack, MA Davis, AC Finzi, ...
Global Change Biology 14 (3), 588-602, 2008
Mycorrhizal and rhizomorph dynamics in a loblolly pine forest during 5 years of free‐air‐CO2‐enrichment
SG Pritchard, AE Strand, ML McCormack, MA Davis, R Oren
Global Change Biology 14 (6), 1252-1264, 2008
Nickel defends the south African hyperaccumulator Senecio coronatus (Asteraceae) against Helix aspersa (Mollusca: Pulmonidae)
RS Boyd, MA Davis, MA Wall, K Balkwill
Chemoecology 12, 91-97, 2002
Dynamics of Ni-based defence and organic defences in the Ni hyperaccumulator, Streptanthus polygaloides (Brassicaceae)
MA Davis, RS Boyd
The New Phytologist 146 (2), 211-217, 2000
Developmental and induced responses of nickel‐based and organic defences of the nickel‐hyperaccumulating shrub, Psychotria douarrei
MA Davis, SG Pritchard, RS Boyd, SA Prior
New Phytologist 150 (1), 49-58, 2001
Interaction of ice storms and management practices on current carbon sequestration in forests with potential mitigation under future CO2 atmosphere
HR McCarthy, R Oren, HS Kim, KH Johnsen, C Maier, SG Pritchard, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D15), 2006
The influence of elevated atmospheric CO2 on fine root dynamics in an intact temperate forest
SG Pritchard, HH Rogers, MA Davis, E Van Santen, SA Prior, ...
Global Change Biology 7 (7), 829-837, 2001
Nickel hyperaccumulation by Streptanthus polygaloides protects against the folivore Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)
EM Jhee, RS Boyd, MD Eubanks, MA Davis
Plant Ecology 183, 91-104, 2006
Root dynamics in an artificially constructed regenerating longleaf pine ecosystem are affected by atmospheric CO2 enrichment
SG Pritchard, MA Davis, RJ Mitchell, SA Prior, DL Boykin, HH Rogers, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 46 (1), 55-69, 2001
Nickel Increases Susceptibility of a Nickel Hyperaccumulator to Turnip mosaic virus
MA Davis, JF Murphy, RS Boyd
Journal of Environmental Quality 30 (1), 85-90, 2001
Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on root dynamics and productivity of sorghum grown under conventional and conservation agricultural management practices
SG Pritchard, SA Prior, HH Rogers, MA Davis, GB Runion, TW Popham
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 113 (1-4), 175-183, 2006
Elemental patterns in Ni hyperaccumulating and non-hyperaccumulating ultramafic soil populations of Senecio coronatus
RS Boyd, MA Davis, K Balkwill
South African Journal of Botany 74 (1), 158-162, 2008
Soil Fungi Respond More Strongly than Fine Roots to Elevated CO2 in a Model Regenerating Longleaf Pine-Wiregrass Ecosystem
ML McCormack, SG Pritchard, S Breland, MA Davis, SA Prior, ...
Ecosystems 13, 901-916, 2010
Variation of morphology and elemental concentrations in the California nickel hyperaccumulator Streptanthus polygaloides (Brassicaceae)
RS Boyd, MA Wall, SR Santos, MA Davis
Northeastern Naturalist 16 (sp5), 21-38, 2009
Effects of ambrosia beetle attack on Cercis canadensis
RR Dute, ME Miller, MA Davis, FM Woods, KS McLean
IAWA journal 23 (2), 143-160, 2002
Metal concentrations of insects associated with the South African Ni hyperaccumulator Berkheya coddii (Asteraceae)
RS Boyd, MA Davis, MA Wall, K Balkwill
Insect Science 13 (2), 85-102, 2006
Influence of elevated CO2, nitrogen, and Pinus elliottii genotypes on performance of the redheaded pine sawfly, Neodiprion lecontei
ME Saxon, MA Davis, SG Pritchard, GB Runion, SA Prior, HE Stelzer, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34 (5), 1007-1017, 2004
Host-switching does not circumvent the Ni-based defence of the Ni hyperaccumulator Streptanthus polygaloides (Brassicaceae)
MA Davis, RS Boyd, JH Cane
South African journal of science 97 (11), 554-557, 2001
Effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide on biomass and carbon accumulation in a model regenerating longleaf pine community
GB Runion, MA Davis, SG Pritchard, SA Prior, RJ Mitchell, HA Torbert, ...
Journal of environmental quality 35 (4), 1478-1486, 2006
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Articles 1–20