Daniel Nelson
Daniel Nelson
National Aquatic Monitoring Center - Utah State University
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Interactions between temperature and nutrients across levels of ecological organization
WF Cross, JM Hood, JP Benstead, AD Huryn, D Nelson
Global change biology 21 (3), 1025-1040, 2015
Impacts of warming on the structure and functioning of aquatic communities: individual-to ecosystem-level responses
EJ O'Gorman, DE Pichler, G Adams, JP Benstead, H Cohen, N Craig, ...
Advances in ecological research 47, 81-176, 2012
Coupling of dietary phosphorus and growth across diverse fish taxa: a meta‐analysis of experimental aquaculture studies
JP Benstead, JM Hood, NV Whelan, MR Kendrick, D Nelson, ...
Ecology 95 (10), 2768-2777, 2014
Increased resource use efficiency amplifies positive response of aquatic primary production to experimental warming
JM Hood, JP Benstead, WF Cross, AD Huryn, PW Johnson, GM Gíslason, ...
Global Change Biology 24 (3), 1069-1084, 2018
Experimental whole‐stream warming alters community size structure
D Nelson, JP Benstead, AD Huryn, WF Cross, JM Hood, PW Johnson, ...
Global Change Biology 23 (7), 2618-2628, 2017
Shifts in community size structure drive temperature invariance of secondary production in a stream‐warming experiment
D Nelson, JP Benstead, AD Huryn, WF Cross, JM Hood, PW Johnson, ...
Ecology 98 (7), 1797-1806, 2017
Gammarus-microbial interactions: a review
D Nelson
International Journal of Zoology 2011, 2011
Diet of Feral Cats in Hawai? i Volcanoes National Park
SC Hess, H Hansen, D Nelson, R Swift, PC Banko
Pacific Conservation Biology 13 (4), 244-249, 2007
Energy pathways modulate the resilience of stream invertebrate communities to drought
D Nelson, MH Busch, DA Kopp, DC Allen
Journal of Animal Ecology, 2021
R esource supply governs the apparent temperature dependence of animal production in stream ecosystems
JR Junker, WF Cross, JP Benstead, AD Huryn, JM Hood, D Nelson, ...
Ecology Letters 23 (12), 1809-1819, 2020
Palila restoration research, 1996− 2012
PC Banko, C Farmer, CT Atkinson, KW Brinck, R Camp, C Cole, R Canner, ...
Technical Report 46 (HCSU-046), 1-493, 2014
Thermal niche diversity and trophic redundancy drive neutral effects of warming on energy flux through a stream food web
D Nelson, JP Benstead, AD Huryn, WF Cross, JM Hood, PW Johnson, ...
Ecology 101 (4), e02952, 2020
Flow is more important than temperature in driving patterns of organic matter storage and stoichiometry in stream ecosystems
JR Junker, WF Cross, JP Benstead, AD Huryn, JM Hood, D Nelson, ...
Ecosystems 24 (6), 1317-1331, 2021
Drying, more than warming, alters ecosystem functioning in streams with different energy pathways
D Nelson, MH Busch, DA Kopp, DC Allen
Functional Ecology, 2023
Contrasting responses of black fly species (Diptera: Simuliidae) to experimental whole‐stream warming
D Nelson, JP Benstead, AD Huryn, WF Cross, JM Hood, PW Johnson, ...
Freshwater Biology 65 (10), 1793-1805, 2020
Invasion of the New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) in the Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam
D Nelson, TW Armstrong
Biological Invasions 24 (3), 775-785, 2022
A non‐lethal approach to estimate whole‐body 13C and 15N stable isotope ratios of freshwater amphipods using walking legs
FM Wilhelm, D Nelson
Invertebrate Biology 131 (2), 110-118, 2012
Environmental warming increases the importance of high‐turnover energy channels in stream food webs
JR Junker, WF Cross, JM Hood, JP Benstead, AD Huryn, D Nelson, ...
Ecology, e4314, 2024
Longitudinal patterns of diversity and secondary production in a large regulated river
D Nelson, SW Miller
Hydrobiologia 850 (7), 1601-1617, 2023
Effects of experimental stream warming on community structure and function
D Nelson
The University of Alabama Libraries Digital Collections, 2016
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Articles 1–20