Carlos M García
Cited by
Cited by
An inshore–offshore sorting system revealed from global classification of ocean litter
C Morales-Caselles, J Viejo, E Martí, D González-Fernández, ...
Nature Sustainability 4 (6), 484-493, 2021
Sedimentation of phytoplankton during a diatom bloom: rates and mechanisms
T Kiorboe, JLS Hansen, AL Alldredge, GA Jackson, U Passow, HG Dam, ...
Dealing with size-spectra: some conceptual and mathematical problems
JM Blanco, F Echevarría, CM García
Scientia Marina (Espana) 58 (1), 1994
Physical–biological coupling in the Strait of Gibraltar
F Echevarrı́a, JG Lafuente, M Bruno, G Gorsky, M Goutx, N González, ...
Deep Sea research part II: topical studies in oceanography 49 (19), 4115-4130, 2002
Hydrodynamics and the spatial distribution of plankton and TEP in the Gulf of Cádiz (SW Iberian Peninsula)
CM García, L Prieto, M Vargas, F Echevarría, J García-Lafuente, J Ruiz, ...
Journal of Plankton Research 24 (8), 817-833, 2002
Sediment resuspension by wind in a shallow lake of Esteros del Iberá (Argentina): a model based on turbidimetry
A Cózar, JA Gálvez, V Hull, CM García, SA Loiselle
Ecological Modelling 186 (1), 63-76, 2005
Morphological and physiological differences between two morphotypes of Zostera noltii Hornem. from the south-western Iberian Peninsula
G Peralta, JL Pérez-Lloréns, I Hernández, F Brun, JJ Vergara, A Bartual, ...
Helgoland Marine Research 54, 80-86, 2000
Basin-scale structures governing the position of the deep fluorescence maximum in the Gulf of Cádiz
G Navarro, J Ruiz, IE Huertas, CM García, F Criado-Aldeanueva, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 53 (11-13), 1261-1281, 2006
Meteorologically-induced mesoscale variability of the North-western Alboran Sea (southern Spain) and related biological patterns
D Macías, M Bruno, F Echevarría, A Vázquez, CM García
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78 (2), 250-266, 2008
Tidal induced variability of mixing processes on Camarinal Sill (Strait of Gibraltar): A pulsating event
D Macias, CM García, FE Navas, A Vázquez-López-Escobar, MB Mejías
Journal of Marine Systems 60 (1-2), 177-192, 2006
Hydrological cycle and interannual variability of the aquatic community in a temporary saline lake (Fuente de Piedra, Southern Spain)
CM García, R García-Ruiz, M Rendón, FX Niell, J Lucena
Hydrobiologia 345, 131-141, 1997
Scales and processes in the aggregation of diatom blooms: high time resolution and wide size range records in a mesocosm study
L Prieto, J Ruiz, F Echevarrıa, CM Garcıa, A Bartual, JA Gálvez, A Corzo, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 49 (7), 1233-1253, 2002
Subsurface distribution of chlorophyll, particles and gelbstoff in the atlantic jet of the Alboran sea: from submesoscale to subinertial scales of variability
J Ruiz, F Echevarría, J Font, E García, JM Blanco, F Jiménez-Gómez, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 29, 277-292, 2001
Analysis of mixing and biogeochemical effects induced by tides on the Atlantic–Mediterranean flow in the Strait of Gibraltar through a physical–biological coupled model
D Macías, AP Martin, J García-Lafuente, CM García, A Yool, M Bruno, ...
Progress in Oceanography 74 (2-3), 252-272, 2007
Microplankton distribution in the Strait of Gibraltar: coupling between organisms and hydrodynamic structures
F Gómez, F Echevarría, CM García, L Prieto, J Ruiz, A Reul, ...
Journal of plankton Research 22 (4), 603-617, 2000
Distribution of TEP in the euphotic and upper mesopelagic zones of the southern Iberian coasts
L Prieto, G Navarro, A Cózar, F Echevarría, CM García
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 53 (11-13), 1314-1328, 2006
Distribution and fluxes of dissolved nutrients in the Strait of Gibraltar and its relationships to microphytoplankton biomass
F Gómez, N González, F Echevarrıa, CM Garcıa
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 51 (4), 439-449, 2000
Phytoplankton pigment distribution in the northwestern Alboran Sea and meteorological forcing: A remote sensing study
D Macías, G Navarro, F Echevarría, CM García, JL Cueto
Seasonal change in a saline temporary lake (Fuente de Piedra, southern Spain)
CM García, FX Niell
Hydrobiologia 267 (1), 211-223, 1993
Remote sensing imagery analysis of the lacustrine system of Ibera wetland (Argentina)
A Cózar, CM García, JA Gálvez, SA Loiselle, L Bracchini, A Cognetta
Ecological Modelling 186 (1), 29-41, 2005
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Articles 1–20