Amber J.M. Jarrett
Amber J.M. Jarrett
Geologist, Northern Territory Geological Survey
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Cited by
The rise of algae in Cryogenian oceans and the emergence of animals
JJ Brocks, AJM Jarrett, E Sirantoine, C Hallmann, Y Hoshino, T Liyanage
Nature 548 (7669), 578-581, 2017
Basin redox and primary productivity within the Mesoproterozoic Roper Seaway
GM Cox, A Jarrett, D Edwards, PW Crockford, GP Halverson, AS Collins, ...
Chemical Geology 440, 101-114, 2016
Early sponges and toxic protists: possible sources of cryostane, an age diagnostic biomarker antedating Sturtian Snowball Earth
JJ Brocks, AJM Jarrett, E Sirantoine, F Kenig, M Moczydłowska, S Porter, ...
Geobiology 14 (2), 129-149, 2016
Cryogenian evolution of stigmasteroid biosynthesis
Y Hoshino, A Poshibaeva, W Meredith, C Snape, V Poshibaev, ...
Science Advances 3 (9), e1700887, 2017
Lost world of complex life and the late rise of the eukaryotic crown
JJ Brocks, BJ Nettersheim, P Adam, P Schaeffer, AJM Jarrett, N Güneli, ...
Nature 618 (7966), 767-773, 2023
Discovery of the oldest known biomarkers provides evidence for phototrophic bacteria in the 1.73 Ga Wollogorang Formation, Australia
G Vinnichenko, AJM Jarrett, JM Hope, JJ Brocks
Geobiology 18 (5), 544-559, 2020
The composition and weathering of the continents over geologic time
AG Lipp, O Shorttle, E Sperling, JJ Brocks, D Cole, PW Crockford, ...
EarthArXiv, 2020
Micro-ablation, a new technique to remove drilling fluids and other contaminants from fragmented and fissile rock material
AJM Jarrett, R Schinteie, JM Hope, JJ Brocks
Organic geochemistry 61, 57-65, 2013
Microbial assemblage and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the 1.38 Ga Velkerri Formation, McArthur Basin, northern Australia
AJM Jarrett, GM Cox, JJ Brocks, E Grosjean, CJ Boreham, DS Edwards
Geobiology 17 (4), 360-380, 2019
Using Mesoproterozoic sedimentary geochemistry to reconstruct basin tectonic geography and link organic carbon productivity to nutrient flux from a Northern Australian large …
B Yang, AS Collins, GM Cox, AJM Jarrett, S Denyszyn, ML Blades, ...
Basin Research 32 (6), 1734-1750, 2020
Local paleoenvironmental controls on the carbon‐isotope record defining the Bitter Springs Anomaly
RM Klaebe, MJ Kennedy, AJM Jarrett, JJ Brocks
Geobiology 15 (1), 65-80, 2017
A very unconventional hydrocarbon play: The Mesoproterozoic Velkerri Formation of northern Australia
GM Cox, AS Collins, AJM Jarrett, ML Blades, AV Shannon, B Yang, ...
AAPG Bulletin 106 (6), 1213-1237, 2022
Exploring for the Future: South Nicholson Basin: geological summary and seismic data interpretation
LK Carr, T Fomin, AHE Bailey, K Khider, B Williams, AJ Troup, L Hutton, ...
Geoscience Australia, 2019
Source rock geochemistry and petroleum systems of the greater McArthur Basin and links to other northern Australian Proterozoic basins
AJM Jarrett , S MacFarlane, T Palu, L Boreham C , Hall , D Edwards , ...
Annual Geoscience Exploration Seminar (AGES), Alice Springs 20-21 March 2019 …, 2019
Substantial maturity influence on carbon and hydrogen isotopic composition of n-alkanes in sedimentary rocks
G Vinnichenko, AJM Jarrett, LM van Maldegem, JJ Brocks
Organic Geochemistry 152, 104171, 2021
Understanding present-day stress in the onshore Canning Basin of Western Australia
AHE Bailey, AJM Jarrett, E Tenthorey, PA Henson
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 68 (6), 818-838, 2021
Curation and analysis of global sedimentary geochemical data to inform earth history
A Mehra, C Keller, T Zhang, N Tosca, S McLennan, E Sperling, U Farrell, ...
GSA Today 31 (5), 4-10, 2021
New SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Ages from the South Nicholson Basin, Mount Isa Province and Georgina Basin, Northern Territory and Queensland: July 2017-June 2018
J Anderson, TJ Munson, C Southby, CJ Carson, PA Henson, LK Carr, ...
Geoscience Australia, 2019
Sustained increases in atmospheric oxygen and marine productivity in the Neoproterozoic and Palaeozoic eras
RG Stockey, DB Cole, UC Farrell, H Agić, TH Boag, JJ Brocks, ...
Nature Geoscience 17 (7), 667-674, 2024
Petroleum supersystems in the greater McArthur Basin, Northern Territory, Australia: prospectivity of the world’s oldest stacked systems with emphasis on the McArthur Supersystem
AJM Jarrett, TJ Munson, B Williams, AHE Bailey, T Palu
The APPEA Journal 62 (1), 245-262, 2022
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Articles 1–20