Steven Jaffee
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Cited by
Standards and agro-food exports from developing countries: Rebalancing the debate
S Jaffee, S Henson
World Bank Publications, 2004
The safe food imperative: Accelerating progress in low-and middle-income countries
S Jaffee, S Henson, L Unnevehr, D Grace, E Cassou
World Bank Publications, 2018
From challenge to opportunity: Transforming Kenya's fresh vegetable trade in the context of emerging food safety and other standards in Europe
S Jaffee
World Bank Group, 2003
Understanding developing country strategic responses to the enhancement of food safety standards
S Henson, S Jaffee
World Economy 31 (4), 548-568, 2008
Strategic use of private standards to enhance international competitiveness: Vegetable exports from Kenya and elsewhere
S Jaffee, O Masakure
Food Policy 30 (3), 316-333, 2005
Rapid agricultural supply chain risk assessment: A conceptual framework
S Jaffee, P Siegel, C Andrews
Agriculture and rural development discussion paper 47 (1), 1-64, 2010
Agro-food exports from developing countries: the challenges posed by standards
SM Jaffee, S Henson
Global agricultural trade and developing countries, 91-114, 2005
Exporting high-value food commodities: success stories from developing countries
S Jaffee, P Gordon
World Bank Publications, 1993
Marketing Africa's high-value foods: comparative experiences of an emergent private sector.
S Jaffee, J Morton
Fruits and vegetables: global trade and competition in fresh and processed product markets
N Diop, SM Jaffee
Aksoy. MA and JC Beghin. Global Agricultural Trade and Developing Countries …, 2005
Food safety standards and trade: Enhancing competitiveness and avoiding exclusion of developing countries
S Henson, S Jaffee
The European Journal of Development Research 18, 593-621, 2006
Making the grade: Smallholder farmers, emerging standards, and development assistance programs in Africa
S Jaffee, S Henson, LD Rios
Washington, DC, World Bank [online] http://siteresources. worldbank. org …, 2011
Contract farming in the shadow of competitive markets: the experience of Kenyan horticulture
S Jaffee
Living under contract: Contract farming and agrarian transformation in Sub …, 1994
Malawi’s tobacco sector: standing on one strong leg is better than on none
S Jaffee
The many faces of success: the development of Kenyan horticultural exports.
S Jaffee
The roles of the private and public sectors in enhancing the performance of seed systems
S Jaffee, J Srivastava
The World Bank Research Observer 9 (1), 97-117, 1994
Food safety and agricultural health standards: challenges and opportunities for developing country exports
S Jaffee, MA Jabbar
International Livestock Research Institute, 2005
Seed system development
S Jaffee, J Srivastava
World Bank Discussion Paper 197, 1992
Rice land designation policy in Vietnam and the implications of policy reform for food security and economic welfare
JA Giesecke, NH Tran, EL Corong, S Jaffee
The Journal of Development Studies 49 (9), 1202-1218, 2013
Barrier, catalyst, or distraction? Standards, competitiveness, and Africa's groundnut exports to Europe
L Diaz Rios, S Jaffee
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Articles 1–20