Uzma Khan
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Cited by
Licensing effect in consumer choice
U Khan, R Dhar
Journal of marketing research 43 (2), 259-266, 2006
A behavioral decision theory perspective on hedonic and utilitarian choice
U Khan, R Dhar, K Wertenbroch
Inside consumption, 144-165, 2005
The shopping momentum effect
R Dhar, J Huber, U Khan
Journal of Marketing Research 44 (3), 370-378, 2007
Price-framing effects on the purchase of hedonic and utilitarian bundles
U Khan, R Dhar
Journal of Marketing Research 47 (6), 1090-1099, 2010
Where there is a way, is there a will? The effect of future choices on self-control.
U Khan, R Dhar
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 136 (2), 277, 2007
When trade-offs matter: The effect of choice construal on context effects
U Khan, M Zhu, A Kalra
Journal of Marketing Research 48 (1), 62-71, 2011
Lusting while loathing: Parallel counterdriving of wanting and liking
A Litt, U Khan, B Shiv
Psychological Science 21 (1), 118-125, 2010
Comparing apples to apples or apples to oranges: The role of mental representation in choice difficulty
EK Cho, U Khan, R Dhar
Journal of Marketing Research 50 (4), 505-516, 2013
A new look at constructed choice processes
D Griffin, W Liu, U Khan
Marketing Letters 16, 321-333, 2005
Consumer substitution decisions: an integrative framework
RW Hamilton, DV Thompson, ZG Arens, SJ Blanchard, G Häubl, ...
Marketing Letters 25, 305-317, 2014
It’s good to be different: How diversity impacts judgments of moral behavior
U Khan, A Kalra
Journal of Consumer Research 49 (2), 177-201, 2022
The effect of self-control on the construction of risk perceptions
JS Jia, U Khan, A Litt
Management Science 61 (9), 2259-2280, 2015
Risk (mis) perception: When greater risk reduces risk valuation
U Khan, DM Kupor
Journal of Consumer Research 43 (5), 769-786, 2017
When does altruism trump self-interest? The moderating role of affect in extrinsic incentives
U Khan, K Goldsmith, R Dhar
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 5 (1), 44-55, 2020
Reconsidering prosocial behavior as intersocial: A literature review and a new perspective
AA Labroo, U Khan, SJ Su
Consumer psychology review 6 (1), 92-108, 2023
Navigating Between Virtues and Vices: Moderators of Decisions Involving Hedonic versus Utilitarian Choices.
U Khan, O Urminsky
Advances in Consumer Research 31 (1), 2004
The rosy side of negative emotions
U Khan
Advances in Consumer Research 37 (2010), 263-266, 2010
Giving consumers license to enjoy luxury
U Khan, R Dhar, S Schmidt
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2010
A behavioral decision theory perspective on hedonic and utilitarian choice
K Wertenbroch, R Dhar, U Khan
Inside consumption, 166-187, 2005
Brand loyalty in the face of stockouts
U Khan, A DePaoli
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 52 (1), 44-74, 2024
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Articles 1–20