Dominik Wisser
Dominik Wisser
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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Cited by
High‐resolution mapping of the world's reservoirs and dams for sustainable river‐flow management
B Lehner, CR Liermann, C Revenga, C Vörösmarty, B Fekete, P Crouzet, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9 (9), 494-502, 2011
Multimodel assessment of water scarcity under climate change
J Schewe, J Heinke, D Gerten, I Haddeland, NW Arnell, DB Clark, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (9), 3245-3250, 2014
Global water resources affected by human interventions and climate change
I Haddeland, J Heinke, H Biemans, S Eisner, M Flörke, N Hanasaki, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (9), 3251-3256, 2014
Constraints and potentials of future irrigation water availability on agricultural production under climate change
J Elliott, D Deryng, C Müller, K Frieler, M Konzmann, D Gerten, M Glotter, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (9), 3239-3244, 2014
Hydrological droughts in the 21st century, hotspots and uncertainties from a global multimodel ensemble experiment
C Prudhomme, I Giuntoli, EL Robinson, DB Clark, NW Arnell, R Dankers, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (9), 3262-3267, 2014
Global modeling of withdrawal, allocation and consumptive use of surface water and groundwater resources
Y Wada, D Wisser, MFP Bierkens
Earth System Dynamics 5 (1), 15-40, 2014
Multimodel projections and uncertainties of irrigation water demand under climate change
Y Wada, D Wisser, S Eisner, M Flörke, D Gerten, I Haddeland, ...
Geophysical research letters 40 (17), 4626-4632, 2013
Reconstructing 20th century global hydrography: a contribution to the Global Terrestrial Network-Hydrology (GTN-H)
D Wisser, BM Fekete, CJ Vörösmarty, AH Schumann
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14 (1), 1-24, 2010
PCR-GLOBWB 2: a 5 arcmin global hydrological and water resources model
EH Sutanudjaja, R Van Beek, N Wanders, Y Wada, JHC Bosmans, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 11 (6), 2429-2453, 2018
First look at changes in flood hazard in the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project ensemble
R Dankers, NW Arnell, DB Clark, PD Falloon, BM Fekete, SN Gosling, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (9), 3257-3261, 2014
Global irrigation water demand: Variability and uncertainties arising from agricultural and climate data sets
D Wisser, S Frolking, EM Douglas, BM Fekete, CJ Vörösmarty, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (24), 2008
Global rain-fed, irrigated, and paddy croplands: A new high resolution map derived from remote sensing, crop inventories and climate data
JM Salmon, MA Friedl, S Frolking, D Wisser, EM Douglas
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 38 …, 2015
The significance of local water resources captured in small reservoirs for crop production–A global-scale analysis
D Wisser, S Frolking, EM Douglas, BM Fekete, AH Schumann, ...
Journal of Hydrology 384 (3-4), 264-275, 2010
Beyond peak reservoir storage? A global estimate of declining water storage capacity in large reservoirs
D Wisser, S Frolking, S Hagen, MFP Bierkens
Water Resources Research 49 (9), 5732-5739, 2013
Multisectoral climate impact hotspots in a warming world
F Piontek, C Müller, TAM Pugh, DB Clark, D Deryng, J Elliott, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (9), 3233-3238, 2014
Global reservoir and dam database, version 1 (GRanDv1): reservoirs, revision 01
B Lehner, C ReidyLiermann, C Revenga, C Vorosmarty, B Fekete, ...
(No Title), 2011
Millennium ecosystem assessment scenario drivers (1970–2050): climate and hydrological alterations
BM Fekete, D Wisser, C Kroeze, E Mayorga, L Bouwman, WM Wollheim, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24 (4), 2010
Projected robust shift of climate zones over West Africa in response to anthropogenic climate change for the late 21st century
MB Sylla, N Elguindi, F Giorgi, D Wisser
Climatic Change 134 (1), 241-253, 2016
Global modeling of withdrawal, allocation and consumptive use of surface water and groundwater resources, Earth Syst. Dynam., 5, 15–40
Y Wada, D Wisser, MFP Bierkens
PCR-GLOBWB 2: a 5 arcmin global hydrological and water resources model, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 2429–2453
EH Sutanudjaja, R Van Beek, N Wanders, Y Wada, JHC Bosmans, ...
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Articles 1–20