Ernesto Exposito
Cited by
Cited by
Enabling technologies for green internet of things
FK Shaikh, S Zeadally, E Exposito
IEEE Systems Journal 11 (2), 983-994, 2015
Towards the deployment of machine learning solutions in network traffic classification: A systematic survey
F Pacheco, E Exposito, M Gineste, C Baudoin, J Aguilar
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (2), 1988-2014, 2018
Handling big data: research challenges and future directions
I Anagnostopoulos, S Zeadally, E Exposito
The Journal of Supercomputing 72, 1494-1516, 2016
Industry 4.0: survey from a system integration perspective
M Sanchez, E Exposito, J Aguilar
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 33 (10-11), 1017-1041, 2020
A semantic big data platform for integrating heterogeneous wearable data in healthcare
E Mezghani, E Exposito, K Drira, M Da Silveira, C Pruski
Journal of medical systems 39, 1-8, 2015
A model-driven methodology for the design of autonomic and cognitive IoT-based systems: Application to healthcare
E Mezghani, E Exposito, K Drira
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 1 (3 …, 2017
Autonomic computing in manufacturing process coordination in industry 4.0 context
M Sanchez, E Exposito, J Aguilar
Journal of industrial information integration 19, 100159, 2020
End-to-end quality of service over heterogeneous networks
T Braun et al.
Springer Science & Business Media, 2008
On blockchain integration with supply chain: Overview on data transparency
H Hellani, L Sliman, AE Samhat, E Exposito
Logistics 5 (3), 46, 2021
A collaborative methodology for tacit knowledge management: Application to scientific research
E Mezghani, E Exposito, K Drira
Future Generation Computer Systems 54, 450-455, 2016
University 4.0: The industry 4.0 paradigm applied to education
ML Gueye, E Exposito
IX Congreso Nacional de Tecnologías en la Educación, 2020
Knowledge as a service framework for disaster data management
K Grolinger, MAM Capretz, E Mezghani, E Exposito
2013 Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative …, 2013
MAPE-K as a service-oriented architecture
J Vizcarrondo, J Aguilar, E Exposito, A Subias
IEEE Latin America Transactions 15 (6), 1163-1175, 2017
ARMISCOM: Autonomic reflective middleware for management service composition
J Vizcarrondo, J Aguilar, E Exposito, A Subias
2012 global information infrastructure and networking symposium (GIIS), 1-8, 2012
CARMiCLOC: context awareness middleware in cloud computing
J Aguilar, M Jerez, E Exposito, T Villemur
2015 Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), 1-10, 2015
A framework to classify heterogeneous Internet traffic with Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques for satellite communications
F Pacheco, E Exposito, M Gineste
Computer Networks 173, 107213, 2020
Implementing self-* autonomic properties in self-coordinated manufacturing processes for the Industry 4.0 context
M Sanchez, E Exposito, J Aguilar
Computers in industry 121, 103247, 2020
Digital factory system for dynamic manufacturing network supporting networked collaborative product development
D Tchoffa, N Figay, P Ghodous, E Expósito, L Kermad, T Vosgien, ...
Data & Knowledge Engineering 105, 130-154, 2016
Spécification et mise en œuvre d'un protocole de transport orienté Qualité de Service pour les applications multimédias
E Exposito
Doctorat de l’Institut National Polytechnique, Toulouse, France, 2003
FPTP: the XQoS aware and fully programmable transport protocol
E Exposito, P Senac, M Diaz
The 11th IEEE International Conference on Networks, 2003. ICON2003., 249-254, 2003
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Articles 1–20