Ofer Feinerman
Ofer Feinerman
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science
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Variability and robustness in T cell activation from regulated heterogeneity in protein levels
O Feinerman, J Veiga, JR Dorfman, RN Germain, G Altan-Bonnet
Science 321 (5892), 1081-1084, 2008
Single‐cell quantification of IL‐2 response by effector and regulatory T cells reveals critical plasticity in immune response
O Feinerman, G Jentsch, KE Tkach, JW Coward, MM Hathorn, ...
Molecular systems biology 6 (1), 437, 2010
Automated long-term tracking and social behavioural phenotyping of animal colonies within a semi-natural environment
A Weissbrod, A Shapiro, G Vasserman, L Edry, M Dayan, A Yitzhaky, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2018, 2013
Reliable neuronal logic devices from patterned hippocampal cultures
O Feinerman, A Rotem, E Moses
Nature physics 4 (12), 967-973, 2008
Ant groups optimally amplify the effect of transiently informed individuals
A Gelblum, I Pinkoviezky, E Fonio, A Ghosh, N Gov, O Feinerman
Nature communications 6 (1), 7729, 2015
The physics of cooperative transport in groups of ants
O Feinerman, I Pinkoviezky, A Gelblum, E Fonio, NS Gov
Nature Physics 14 (7), 683-693, 2018
Flexible task allocation and the organization of work in ants
EJH Robinson, O Feinerman, NR Franks
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1677), 4373-4380, 2009
The physics of living neural networks
JP Eckmann, O Feinerman, L Gruendlinger, E Moses, J Soriano, T Tlusty
Physics Reports 449 (1-3), 54-76, 2007
Radio tagging reveals the roles of corpulence, experience and social information in ant decision making
EJH Robinson, TO Richardson, AB Sendova-Franks, O Feinerman, ...
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 63, 627-636, 2009
String theory on AdS3× S3× S3× S1
S Elitzur, O Feinerman, A Giveon, D Tsabar
Physics Letters B 449 (3-4), 180-186, 1999
Collaborative search on the plane without communication
O Feinerman, A Korman, Z Lotker, JS Sereni
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing …, 2012
Quantitative challenges in understanding ligand discrimination by αβ T cells
O Feinerman, RN Germain, G Altan-Bonnet
Molecular immunology 45 (3), 619-631, 2008
Individual versus collective cognition in social insects
O Feinerman, A Korman
Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (1), 73-82, 2017
Signal propagation along unidimensional neuronal networks
O Feinerman, M Segal, E Moses
Journal of neurophysiology 94 (5), 3406-3416, 2005
Ant trophallactic networks: simultaneous measurement of interaction patterns and food dissemination
E Greenwald, E Segre, O Feinerman
Scientific reports 5 (1), 12496, 2015
Desert ants achieve reliable recruitment across noisy interactions
N Razin, JP Eckmann, O Feinerman
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 10 (82), 20130079, 2013
Experience, corpulence and decision making in ant foraging
EJH Robinson, O Feinerman, NR Franks
Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (15), 2653-2659, 2012
Identification and dynamics of spontaneous burst initiation zones in unidimensional neuronal cultures
O Feinerman, M Segal, E Moses
Journal of neurophysiology 97 (4), 2937-2948, 2007
The global ant genomics Alliance (GAGA)
JJ Boomsma, SG Brady, RR Dunn, J Gadau, J Heinze, L Keller, ...
A picoliter ‘fountain-pen’using co-axial dual pipettes
O Feinerman, E Moses
Journal of neuroscience methods 127 (1), 75-84, 2003
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Articles 1–20