Scott R Strachan
Scott R Strachan
Aquatic Ecology, Murdoch University
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Freshwater invertebrate life history strategies for surviving desiccation
SR Strachan, ET Chester, BJ Robson
Springer Science Reviews 3, 57-75, 2015
Microrefuges from drying for invertebrates in a seasonal wetland
SR Strachan, ET Chester, BJ Robson
Freshwater Biology 59 (12), 2528-2538, 2014
Constraints upon the response of fish and crayfish to environmental flow releases in a regulated headwater stream network
ET Chester, TG Matthews, TJ Howson, K Johnston, JK Mackie, ...
PLoS One 9 (3), e91925, 2014
Habitat alters the effect of false starts on seasonal‐wetland invertebrates
SR Strachan, ET Chester, BJ Robson
Freshwater Biology 61 (5), 680-692, 2016
Fringing trees may provide a refuge from prolonged drying for urban wetland invertebrates
SR Strachan, ET Chester, BJ Robson
Urban Ecosystems 19, 1213-1230, 2016
Novel Sources of Tolerance to Aluminium Toxicity in Wild Cicer (Cicer reticulatum and Cicer echinospermum) Collections
W Vance, K Pradeep, SR Strachan, S Diffey, RW Bell
Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 678211, 2021
Impacts of Indian waterfern (Ceratopteris thalictroides (L.) Brongn.) infestation and removal on macroinvertebrate biodiversity and conservation in spring‐fed …
N Carey, SR Strachan, BJ Robson
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 28 (2), 466-475, 2018
Vasse-Wonnerup Integrated Monitoring 2017-18: Benthic macroinvertebrate component
JR Tweedley, A Cottingham, SJ Beatty
Report for the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, Western …, 2019
Invertebrate resistance to wetland drying
S Strachan
Murdoch University, 2016
Will our drying climate lead to the extinction of Perth's wetland fauna?
SR Strachan, BJ Robson, ET Chester, J Chambers
2016 Research Findings: Bulletin 5.08 Ecology, People & Environment, 2016
South Lake, I know what you did last summer
SR Strachan, BJ Robson, ET Chester, J Chambers
53st Australian Society for Limnology Congress, 2014
Drying and life history traits of wetland invertebrates
SR Strachan, BJ Robson, ET Chester, J Chambers
52nd Australian Society for Limnology Congress, 2013
The effects of climate change on invertebrates in refuges
SR Strachan, BJ Robson, ET Chester, J Chambers
51st Australian Society for Limnology Congress, 2012
Novel Sources of Tolerance to Aluminium Toxicity in Wild Cicer (Cicer reticulatum and Cicer echinospermum) Collections
RW Bell, WH Vance, K Pradeep, S Strachan, S Diffey, P Wang, V Dang
Murdoch University, 0
Submitted to Urban Ecosystems
SR Strachan, ET Chester, BJ Robson
Invertebrate Resistance to Wetland Drying, 105, 0
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Articles 1–15