Kaygorodova Irina
Kaygorodova Irina
Limnological Institute, Irkutsk, Russia
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Cited by
Rapidly evolving lineages impede the resolution of phylogenetic relationships among Clitellata (Annelida)
P Martin, I Kaygorodova, DY Sherbakov, E Verheyen
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 15 (3), 355-368, 2000
Аннотированный список фауны озера Байкал и его водосборного бассейна
ОА Тимошкин, ВИ Провиз, ТЯ Ситникова, ИВ Аров, ОИ Белых, ...
Новосибирское отделение издательства" Наука", 2009
A revised checklist of the Lake Baikal Hirudinida fauna
I Kaygorodova
Lauterbornia 75, 49-62, 2012
Bottom Bituminous Constructions and Biota Inhabiting Them According to Investigation of Lake Baikal with the Mir Submersible
OM Khlystov, TI Zemskaya, TY Sitnikova, IV Mekhanikova, ...
Doklady Earth Sciences 429 (8), 1333–1336, 2009
New sperm types in Naididae and Lumbriculidae (Annelida: Oligochaeta) and their possible phylogenetic implications
M Ferraguti, C Erseus, I Kaygorodova, P Martin
7th International Simposium on Aquatic Oligochaeta, Presc Isle, USA, 5-11 …, 1997
Molecular phylogeny of Baikalian Lumbriculidae (Oligochaeta): evidence for recent explosive speciation
IA Kaygorodova, DY Sherbakov, P Martin
Comparative Cytogenetics 1 (1), 71-84, 2007
Genetic diversity of freshwater leeches in Lake Gusinoe (eastern Siberia, Russia)
IA Kaygorodova, N Mandzyak, E Petryaeva, NM Pronin
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 619127, 2014
Leech‐Like Parasites (Clitellata, Acanthobdellida) Infecting Native and Endemic Eastern Siberian Salmon Fishes
IA Kaygorodova, EV Dzyuba, NM Pronin
The Scientific World Journal 2012 (1), 652827, 2012
Description of two new species of Rhynchelmis (Oligochaeta: Lumbriculidae) from Lake Baikal (Russia), using classical morphology and ultrastructure of spermatozoa
P Martin, M Ferraguti, I Kaygorodova
Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology 34 (3), 283-293, 1998
Донные битумные постройки и населяющая их биота по данным обследования озера Байкал с глубоководных обитаемых аппаратов «МИР»
ОМ Хлыстов, ТИ Земская, ТЯ Ситникова, ИВ Механикова, ...
Доклады Академии Наук 428 (5), 682-685, 2009
An illustrated checklist of leech species from Lake Baikal (Eastern Siberia, Russia)
I Kaygorodova
Dataset Papers in Science 2013, 2013
Molecular phylogenetic study of the systematic position of Baikalian oligochaetes in Clitellata
IA Kaygorodova, DY Sherbakov
Russian journal of Genetics 42, 1390-1397, 2006
Species delimitation through DNA barcoding of freshwater leeches of the Glossiphonia genus (Hirudinea: Glossiphoniidae) from Eastern Siberia, Russia
I Kaygorodova, N Bolbat, A Bolbat
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 58 (4), 1437-1446, 2020
Annotated checklist of the leech species diversity in the Maloe More Strait of Lake Baikal, Russia
IA Kaygorodova
ZooKeys 545, 37-52, 2015
New records of Lake Baikal leech fauna: species diversity and spatial distribution in Chivyrkuy gulf
IA Kaygorodova, NM Pronin
The Scientific World Journal 2013, 2013
New information on the geographical distribution of Erpobdella vilnensis (Liskiewicz, 1915)(Hirudinida, Erpobdellidae) in Ukraine
SY Utevsky, MO Son, VG Dyadichko, JA Kaygorodova
Lauterbornia 75, 75-78, 2012
Molecular phylogeny of Siberian Glossiphoniidae (Hirudinea)
IA Kaygorodova, NB Mandzyak
Molecular Biology 48 (3), 452-455, 2014
К характеристике водных и наземных биоценозов в местах выходов термальных источников в Восточном Прибайкалье
ВВ Тахтеев, ЕА Судакова, ИН Егорова, СИ Шаманова, ТЯ Ситникова, ...
Гидробиология водоемов юга Восточной Сибири (Биоразнообразие Байкальского …, 2006
The first record of Helobdella nuda (Hirudinida, Glossiphoniidae) in Lake Baikal
IA Kaygorodova, SY Utevsky
Vestnik Zoologii 46 (5), 473-474, 2012
A test of monophyly of the genus Rhynchelmis Hoffmeister, 1843 (Oligochaeta, Lumbriculidae): morphology based phylogeny
IA Kaygorodova, VG Liventseva
Investigated in Russia 139, 1517-1527, 2007
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Articles 1–20