Jan Platoš
Cited by
Cited by
Sentiment Analysis of COVID-19 tweets by Deep Learning Classifiers—A study to show how popularity is affecting accuracy in social media
K Chakraborty, S Bhatia, S Bhattacharyya, J Platos, R Bag, AE Hassanien
Applied Soft Computing 97, 106754, 2020
Border collie optimization
T Dutta, S Bhattacharyya, S Dey, J Platos
IEEE access 8, 109177-109197, 2020
Lightweight spectral–spatial squeeze-and-excitation residual bag-of-features learning for hyperspectral classification
SK Roy, S Chatterjee, S Bhattacharyya, BB Chaudhuri, J Platoš
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 58 (8), 5277-5290, 2020
Fuzzy classification by evolutionary algorithms
P Krömer, J Platoš, V Snášel, A Abraham
2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 313-318, 2011
A heuristic approach to active demand side management in off-grid systems operated in a smart-grid environment
S Mišák, J Stuchlý, J Platoš, P Krömer
Energy and buildings 96, 272-284, 2015
Many-threaded implementation of differential evolution for the CUDA platform
P Krömer, V Snĺšel, J Platoš, A Abraham
Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2011
Nature-inspired meta-heuristics on modern GPUs: state of the art and brief survey of selected algorithms
P Krömer, J Platoš, V Snášel
International Journal of Parallel Programming 42, 681-709, 2014
Multi-class SVM based classification approach for tomato ripeness
E Elhariri, N El-Bendary, MMM Fouad, J Platoš, AE Hassanien, ...
Innovations in Bio-inspired Computing and Applications: Proceedings of the …, 2014
An analysis of convolutional neural network for fashion images classification (fashion-mnist)
K Meshkini, J Platos, H Ghassemain
Proceedings of the Fourth International Scientific Conference “Intelligent …, 2020
Compression of small text files
J Platoš, V Snášel, E El-Qawasmeh
Advanced engineering informatics 22 (3), 410-417, 2008
Social and swarm aspects of co-authorship network
M Kudělka, Z Horák, V Snášel, P Krömer, J Platoš, A Abraham
Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (3), 634-643, 2012
Optimal column subset selection for image classification by genetic algorithms
P Krömer, J Platoš, J Nowaková, V Snášel
Annals of Operations Research 265 (2), 205-222, 2018
Novel quantum inspired approaches for automatic clustering of gray level images using particle swarm optimization, spider monkey optimization and ageist spider monkey …
A Dey, S Dey, S Bhattacharyya, J Platos, V Snasel
Applied Soft Computing 88, 106040, 2020
Fast decoding algorithms for variable-lengths codes
J Walder, M Krátký, R Bača, J Platoš, V Snášel
Information sciences 183 (1), 66-91, 2012
Short-term natural gas consumption forecasting from long-term data collection
R Svoboda, V Kotik, J Platos
Energy 218, 119430, 2021
A comparison of many-threaded differential evolution and genetic algorithms on CUDA
P Krömer, J Platoš, V Snášel, A Abraham
2011 Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, 509-514, 2011
Non-negative matrix factorization on GPU
J Platoš, P Gajdoš, P Krömer, V Snášel
Networked Digital Technologies: Second International Conference, NDT 2010 …, 2010
Towards new directions of data mining by evolutionary fuzzy rules and symbolic regression
P Krömer, S Owais, J Platoš, V Snášel
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 66 (2), 190-200, 2013
Supervised learning of photovoltaic power plant output prediction models
L Prokop, S Misak, V Snaásel, J Platos, P Krömer
Neural Network World 23 (4), 321, 2013
A PSO-based document classification algorithm accelerated by the CUDA platform
J Platos, V Snasel, T Jezowicz, P Kromer, A Abraham
2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2012
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Articles 1–20