Thomas van Gurp
Thomas van Gurp
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Cited by
Ecological plant epigenetics: Evidence from model and non‐model species, and the way forward
CL Richards, C Alonso, C Becker, O Bossdorf, E Bucher, ...
Ecology letters 20 (12), 1576-1590, 2017
Transgenerational Effects of Stress Exposure on Offspring Phenotypes in Apomictic Dandelion
KJF Verhoeven, TP van Gurp
PloS one 7 (6), e38605, 2012
epiGBS: reference-free reduced representation bisulfite sequencing
TP van Gurp, NCAM Wagemaker, B Wouters, P Vergeer, JNJ Ouborg, ...
Nature methods 13 (4), 322-324, 2016
Consistent errors in first strand cDNA due to random hexamer mispriming
TP van Gurp, LM McIntyre, KJF Verhoeven
PloS one 8 (12), e85583, 2013
Evidence for rapid evolution in a grassland biodiversity experiment
SJ van Moorsel, MW Schmid, NCAM Wagemaker, T van Gurp, B Schmid, ...
Molecular Ecology 28 (17), 4097-4117, 2019
AlphaBeta: computational inference of epimutation rates and spectra from high-throughput DNA methylation data in plants
Y Shahryary, A Symeonidi, RR Hazarika, J Denkena, T Mubeen, ...
Genome Biology 21, 1-22, 2020
SNP markers retrieval for a non-model species: a practical approach
A Shahin, T van Gurp, SA Peters, RGF Visser, JM van Tuyl, P Arens
BMC Research Notes 5, 1-11, 2012
Recent and dynamic transposable elements contribute to genomic divergence under asexuality
J Ferreira de Carvalho, V de Jager, TP van Gurp, NCAM Wagemaker, ...
BMC genomics 17, 1-12, 2016
Intergenerational environmental effects: functional signals in offspring transcriptomes and metabolomes after parental jasmonic acid treatment in apomictic dandelion
KJF Verhoeven, EH Verbon, TP van Gurp, C Oplaat, ...
new phytologist 217 (2), 871-882, 2018
epiGBS2: Improvements and evaluation of highly multiplexed, epiGBS‐based reduced representation bisulfite sequencing
F Gawehns, M Postuma, M van Antro, A Nunn, B Sepers, S Fatma, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 22 (5), 2087-2104, 2022
msGBS: a new high‐throughput approach to quantify the relative species abundance in root samples of multispecies plant communities
CAM Wagemaker, L Mommer, EJW Visser, A Weigelt, TP van Gurp, ...
Molecular ecology resources 21 (4), 1021-1036, 2021
Reduced representation characterization of genetic and epigenetic differentiation to oil pollution in the foundation plant Spartina alterniflora
M Alvarez, M Robertson, T van Gurp, N Wagemaker, D Giraud, ...
BioRxiv, 426569, 2018
Combining epiGBS markers with long read transcriptome sequencing to assess differentiation associated with habitat in Reynoutria (aka Fallopia)
M Robertson, M Alvarez, T van Gurp, CAM Wagemaker, F Yu, DM Amador, ...
Biorxiv, 2020.09. 30.317966, 2020
epiGBS2: An improved protocol and automated snakemake workflow for highly multiplexed reduced representation bisulfite sequencing
F Gawehns, M Postuma, TP van Gurp, NCAM Wagemaker, S Fatma, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.06. 23.137091, 2020
Reduced-representation bisulfite sequencing finds epigenome-wide response to oil pollution in the foundation plant Spartina alterniflora
M Alvarez, M Robertson, T van Gurp, CAM Wagemaer, D Giraud, ...
bioRxiv, 426569, 2018
Test data for epiGBS
F Gawehns, M Postuma, M Van Antro, A Nunn, B Sepers, S Fatma, ...
Zenodo, 2022
epiGBS2: an automated snakemake workflow for highly multiplexed reduced representation bisulfite sequencing
M Postuma, T van Gurp, S Fatma, F Gawehns
msGBS sequence data
CAM Wagemaker, L Mommer, EJW Visser, A Weigelt, TP van Gurp, ...
NCBI, 2020
Epigenome-wide response to oil pollution in the foundation plant Spartina alterniflora
M Alvarez, M Robertson, T van Gurp, CAM Wagemaker, D Giraud, ...
Barley breeding: taking epigenetic processes into account
M Malinowska, I Nagy, SF Svane, CAM Wagemaker, L Kruselld, B Eriksen, ...
Plant Biology Europe 2018, 117, 2018
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Articles 1–20