Rickard Sandell
Rickard Sandell
Other namesFrank Rickard Sandell, Richard Sandell
Profesor, Dep. of Social Science, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
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Cited by
Mesolevel Networks and the Diffusion of Social Movements: The Case of the Swedish Social Democratic Party
P Hedström, R Sandell, C Stern
American journal of sociology 106 (1), 145-172, 2000
Group size and the logic of collective action: A network analysis of a Swedish temperance movement 1896-1937
R Sandell, C Stern
Rationality and Society 10 (3), 327-345, 1998
Partidos políticos y dimensiones ideológicas en Argentina, Chile, México y Uruguay. Esbozo de un análisis espacial
I Llamazares, R Sandell
POLIS, 43-69, 2000
An analysis of a large dataset on immigrant integration in Spain. The Statistical Mechanics perspective on Social Action
A Barra, P Contucci, R Sandell, C Vernia
Scientific Reports 4 (4174), 2014
Organizational growth and ecological constraints: The growth of social movements in Sweden, 1881 to 1940
R Sandell
American Sociological Review 66 (5), 672-693, 2001
Organizational life aboard the moving bandwagons: A network analysis of dropouts from a Swedish temperance organization, 1896-1937
R Sandell
Acta sociologica 42 (1), 3-15, 1999
Coping with demography in NATO Europe: Military recruitment in times of population decline
R Sandell
Service to country–personnel policy and the transformation of western …, 2007
Inmigración: prioridades para una nueva política española
R Sandell y J Arango
Real Instituto Elcano, 2004
Social influences and aggregated immigration dynamics: The case of Spain 1999–2009
R Sandell
International Migration Review 46 (4), 971-1004, 2012
¿Saltaron o les empujaron? El aumento de la inmigración subsahariana
R Sandell
Elcano Newsletter, 13, 2005
Europa después de Europa
EL de Espinosa, JM de Areilza, P Isbell, J Noya, F Portero, C Powell, ...
Chaos, 2010
Inmigración:¿un desafío con oportunidades?
R Sandell, A Sorroza Blanco, LL Olivié Aldasoro
Boletín Elcano, 19, 2007
Spain’s immigration experience: Lessons to be learned from looking at the statistics
R Sandell
Real Instituto Elcano, WP 30 (2006), 374, 2006
Terrorism, belief formation, and residential integration: Population dynamics in the aftermath of the 2004 Madrid terror bombings
C Edling, J Rydgren, R Sandell
American behavioral scientist 60 (10), 1215-1231, 2016
How integrated are immigrants?
P Contucci, R Sandell
Demographic Research 33, 1271-1280, 2015
A stochastic approach for quantifying immigrant integration: the Spanish test case
E Agliari, A Barra, P Contucci, R Sandell, C Vernia
New Journal of Physics 16 (10), 103034, 2014
Redes sociales y la inmigración española: un análisis de la inmigración a España 1997-2006
R Sandell
Efectos económico de la inmigración en España, 29-60, 2009
Spain’s quest for regular immigration
R Sandell
Real Instituto Elcano, ARI, 2005
Were they Pushed or Did they Jump? The Rise in Sub-Saharan Immigration
R Sandell
Análisis del Real Instituto Elcano (ARI), Área Demografía, Población y …, 2005
Social Influence and Corporate Behaviour A Case Study of Interdependent Decision‐Making in Sweden's Publicly Traded Firms
C Edling, R Sandell
European sociological review 17 (4), 389-399, 2001
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Articles 1–20