Book Revievvs T Brown, K Barber, B Coles, G Doran, A Harding, LL Kooijmans, A Matsui, ... | 2728* | |
Peat stratigraphy and climatic change: a palaeoecological test of the theory of cyclic bog regeneration KE Barber Balkema, Rotterdam, 1981 | 616 | 1981 |
A database and synthesis of northern peatland soil properties and Holocene carbon and nitrogen accumulation J Loisel, Z Yu, DW Beilman, P Camill, J Alm, MJ Amesbury, D Anderson, ... The Holocene, 0959683614538073, 2014 | 582 | 2014 |
A sensitive high-resolution record of late Holocene climatic change from a raised bog in northern England KE Barber, FM Chambers, D Maddy, R Stoneman, JS Brew The Holocene 4 (2), 198-205, 1994 | 426 | 1994 |
Mire-development pathways and palaeoclimatic records from a full Holocene peat archive at Walton Moss, Cumbria, England PDM Hughes, D Mauquoy, KE Barber, PG Langdon The Holocene 10 (4), 465-479, 2000 | 311 | 2000 |
Holocene palaeoclimates from peat stratigraphy: macrofossil proxy climate records from three oceanic raised bogs in England and Ireland KE Barber, FM Chambers, D Maddy Quaternary Science Reviews 22 (5), 521-539, 2003 | 288 | 2003 |
Lipid biomarker, δ 13 C and plant macrofossil stratigraphy of a Scottish montane peat bog over the last two millennia KJ Ficken, KE Barber, G Eglinton Organic Geochemistry 28 (3), 217-237, 1998 | 274 | 1998 |
Environmental determinism in Holocene research: causality or coincidence? P Coombes, K Barber Area 37 (3), 303-311, 2005 | 233 | 2005 |
A 5500-year proxy-climate and vegetation record from blanket mire at Talla Moss, Borders, Scotland FM Chambers, KE Barber, D Maddy, J Brew The Holocene 7 (4), 391-399, 1997 | 218 | 1997 |
A 7500-year peat-based palaeoclimatic reconstruction and evidence for an 1100-year cyclicity in bog surface wetness from Temple Hill Moss, Pentland Hills, southeast Scotland PG Langdon, KE Barber, PDM Hughes Quaternary science reviews 22 (2), 259-274, 2003 | 217 | 2003 |
Climate drivers for peatland palaeoclimate records DJ Charman, KE Barber, M Blaauw, PG Langdon, D Mauquoy, TJ Daley, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (19), 1811-1819, 2009 | 208 | 2009 |
Peatlands as scientific archives of past biodiversity KE Barber Biodiversity & Conservation 2 (5), 474-489, 1993 | 185 | 1993 |
Replicated proxy-climate signals over the last 2000 yr from two distant UK peat bogs: new evidence for regional palaeoclimate teleconnections KE Barber, D Maddy, N Rose, AC Stevenson, R Stoneman, R Thompson Quaternary Science Reviews 19 (6), 481-487, 2000 | 165 | 2000 |
A 2800-year palaeoclimatic record from Tore Hill Moss, Strathspey, Scotland: the need for a multi-proxy approach to peat-based climate reconstructions K Barber, A Blundell Quaternary science reviews, 1261-1277, 2005 | 149* | 2005 |
Replicability and variability of the recent macrofossil and proxy‐climate record from raised bogs: field stratigraphy and macrofossil data from Bolton Fell Moss and Walton Moss … K Barber, L Dumayne‐Peaty, P Hughes, D Mauquoy, R Scaife Journal of Quaternary Science 13 (6), 515-528, 1998 | 145 | 1998 |
History of vegetation KE Barber Methods in plant ecology. Blackwell, Oxford, 5-83, 1976 | 142 | 1976 |
Late Holocene climatic history of northern Germany and Denmark: peat macrofossil investigations at Dosenmoor, Schleswig‐Holstein, and Svanemose, Jutland KE BARBER, FM CHAMBERS, D Maddy Boreas 33 (2), 132-144, 2004 | 139 | 2004 |
The 8200yr BP cold event in stable isotope records from the North Atlantic region TJ Daley, ER Thomas, JA Holmes, FA Street-Perrott, MR Chapman, ... Global and Planetary Change 79 (3), 288-302, 2011 | 122 | 2011 |
Changing atmospheric fallout of magnetic particles recorded in recent ombrotrophic peat sections F Oldfield, R Thompson, KE Barber Science 199 (4329), 679-680, 1978 | 121 | 1978 |
A replicated 3000 yr proxy‐climate record from Coom Rigg Moss and Felecia Moss, the Border Mires, northern England D Mauquoy, K Barber Journal of Quaternary Science 14 (3), 263-275, 1999 | 115 | 1999 |