C.W. Fairall
C.W. Fairall
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Bulk parameterization of air–sea fluxes: Updates and verification for the COARE algorithm
CW Fairall, EF Bradley, JE Hare, AA Grachev, JB Edson
Journal of climate 16 (4), 571-591, 2003
Bulk parameterization of air‐sea fluxes for tropical ocean‐global atmosphere coupled‐ocean atmosphere response experiment
CW Fairall, EF Bradley, DP Rogers, JB Edson, GS Young
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 101 (C2), 3747-3764, 1996
Cool‐skin and warm‐layer effects on sea surface temperature
CW Fairall, EF Bradley, JS Godfrey, GA Wick, JB Edson, GS Young
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 101 (C1), 1295-1308, 1996
On the exchange of momentum over the open ocean
JB Edson, V Jampana, RA Weller, SP Bigorre, AJ Plueddemann, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 43 (8), 1589-1610, 2013
Production flux of sea spray aerosol
G De Leeuw, EL Andreas, MD Anguelova, CW Fairall, ER Lewis, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 49 (2), 2011
Measurements near the Atmospheric Surface Flux Group tower at SHEBA: Near‐surface conditions and surface energy budget
POG Persson, CW Fairall, EL Andreas, PS Guest, DK Perovich
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 107 (C10), SHE 21-1-SHE 21-35, 2002
Rain in shallow cumulus over the ocean: The RICO campaign
RM Rauber, B Stevens, HT Ochs III, C Knight, BA Albrecht, AM Blyth, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 88 (12), 1912-1928, 2007
An annual cycle of Arctic surface cloud forcing at SHEBA
JM Intrieri, CW Fairall, MD Shupe, POG Persson, EL Andreas, PS Guest, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 107 (C10), SHE 13-1-SHE 13-14, 2002
Measurement of Stratus Cloud and Drizzle Parameters in ASTEX with a K α -Band Doppler Radar and a Microwave Radiometer
AS Frisch, CW Fairall, JB Snider
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 52 (16), 2788-2799, 1995
Direct covariance flux estimates from mobile platforms at sea
JB Edson, AA Hinton, KE Prada, JE Hare, CW Fairall
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 15 (2), 547-562, 1998
The EPIC 2001 stratocumulus study
CS Bretherton, T Uttal, CW Fairall, SE Yuter, RA Weller, D Baumgardner, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 85 (7), 967-978, 2004
Direct covariance air‐sea CO2 fluxes
WR McGillis, JB Edson, JE Hare, CW Fairall
Journal of geophysical research: Oceans 106 (C8), 16729-16745, 2001
FIRE Arctic clouds experiment
JA Curry, PV Hobbs, MD King, DA Randall, P Minnis, GA Isaac, JO Pinto, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 81 (1), 5-30, 2000
Outlook for research on subtropical marine stratiform clouds
DA Randall, JA Coakley, CW Fairall, RA Kropfli, DH Lenschow
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 65 (12), 1290-1301, 1984
The VAMOS ocean-cloud-atmosphere-land study regional experiment (VOCALS-REx): Goals, platforms, and field operations
R Wood, CR Mechoso, CS Bretherton, RA Weller, B Huebert, F Straneo, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (2), 627-654, 2011
The effect of sea spray on surface energy transports over the ocean
CW Fairall
Global Atmosphere and Ocean System 2, 121, 1994
Observed inter‐relations between 10m winds, ocean whitecaps and marine aerosols
EC Monahan, CW Fairall, KL Davidson, PJ Boyle
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 109 (460), 379-392, 1983
The critical Richardson number and limits of applicability of local similarity theory in the stable boundary layer
AA Grachev, EL Andreas, CW Fairall, PS Guest, POG Persson
Boundary-layer meteorology 147, 51-82, 2013
Advancing polar prediction capabilities on daily to seasonal time scales
T Jung, ND Gordon, P Bauer, DH Bromwich, M Chevallier, JJ Day, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 97 (9), 1631-1647, 2016
SHEBA flux–profile relationships in the stable atmospheric boundary layer
AA Grachev, EL Andreas, CW Fairall, PS Guest, POG Persson
Boundary-layer meteorology 124, 315-333, 2007
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