Aurélien Kaiser
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Cited by
Body-size shifts in aquatic and terrestrial urban communities
T Merckx, C Souffreau, A Kaiser, LF Baardsen, T Backeljau, D Bonte, ...
Nature 558 (7708), 113-116, 2018
The Urban Heat Island and its spatial scale dependent impact on survival and development in butterflies of different thermal sensitivity
A Kaiser, T Merckx, H Van Dyck
Ecology and Evolution 6 (12), 4129-4140, 2016
Increased body size along urbanization gradients at both community and intraspecific level in macro‐moths
T Merckx, A Kaiser, H Van Dyck
Global Change Biology 24 (8), 3837-3848, 2018
Immediate and carry-over effects of perceived predation risk on communication behavior in wild birds
RN Abbey-Lee, A Kaiser, A Mouchet, NJ Dingemanse
Behavioral ecology 27 (3), 708-716, 2016
Quality of citizen science data and its consequences for the conservation of skipper butterflies (Hesperiidae) in Flanders (northern Belgium)
P Vantieghem, D Maes, A Kaiser, T Merckx
Journal of Insect Conservation 21, 451-463, 2017
Urbanisation and sex affect the consistency of butterfly personality across metamorphosis
A Kaiser, T Merckx, H Van Dyck
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72, 1-11, 2018
Personality traits influence contest outcome, and vice versa, in a territorial butterfly
A Kaiser, T Merckx, H Van Dyck
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 2778, 2019
An experimental test of changed personality in butterflies from anthropogenic landscapes
A Kaiser, T Merckx, H Van Dyck
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74 (7), 86, 2020
The Urban Heat Island and its spatial scale dependent impact on survival and development in butterflies of different thermal sensitivity. Ecol Evol 6: 4129–4140
A Kaiser, T Merckx, H Van Dyck
Behavioural repeatability is affected by early developmental conditions in a butterfly
A Kaiser, T Merckx, H Van Dyck
Animal behaviour 157, 219-226, 2019
Individual plasticity drives boldness senescence in a territorial butterfly
A Kaiser, M Eymard, T Merckx, H Van Dyck
Ethology 126 (11), 1061-1068, 2020
Variability in space and time: contrasting fruit distribution patterns in the deceptive orchid Orchis militaris
T Henneresse, A Kaiser, RA Wesselingh, D Tyteca
Plant Biology 21 (2), 259-266, 2019
Projet LIFE Ardenne liégeoise: réponse des libellules et papillons de jour aux travaux de restauration.
A Kaiser, D Parkinson
Naturalistes Belges 102 (1), 2021
Do local conspecific density and floral display size influence fruit set via pollinator visitation in Orchis militaris?
T Henneresse, A Kaiser, RA Wesselingh, D Tyteca
Nordic Journal of Botany 37 (4), 2019
Des agricultures alternatives pour une transition agricole durable en Wallonie
A Kaiser
Article sur uclouvain. be, 1995
Personality variation in the butterfly Pararge aegeria: the role of landscape, age and contest ability
A Kaiser
UCL-Université Catholique de Louvain, 2022
Variability in space and time: coexistence of contrasting fruit distribution patterns in Orchis militaris
T Henneresse, A Kaiser, RA Wesselingh, D Tyteca
What future for orchids?-18th European Orchid Council Conference and Exhibition, 2018
Variability in space and time: contrasting fruit distribution patterns in the deceptive orchid Orchis militaris
A Kaiser
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Articles 1–18