Ingrid Spies
Ingrid Spies
Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries
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Cited by
A consolidated linkage map for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
KM Nichols, WP Young, RG Danzmann, BD Robison, C Rexroad, ...
Animal genetics 34 (2), 102-115, 2003
Ecosystem response persists after a prolonged marine heatwave
RM Suryan, ML Arimitsu, HA Coletti, RR Hopcroft, MR Lindeberg, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 6235, 2021
Development and characterization of novel tetra‐, tri‐, and dinucleotide microsatellite markers in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
IB Spies, DJ Brasier, PTL O'reilly, TR Seamons, P Bentzen
Molecular Ecology Notes 5 (2), 278-281, 2005
Genetic isolation by distance and localized fjord population structure in Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus): limited effective dispersal in the northeastern Pacific Ocean
KM Cunningham, MF Canino, IB Spies, L Hauser
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66 (1), 153-166, 2009
Multiple ice‐age refugia in Pacific cod, Gadus macrocephalus
MF Canino, IB Spies, KM Cunningham, L Hauser, WS Grant
Molecular Ecology 19 (19), 4339-4351, 2010
DNA‐based identification of Alaska skates (Amblyraja, Bathyraja and Raja: Rajidae) using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (coI) variation
IB Spies, S Gaichas, DE Stevenson, JW Orr, MF Canino
Journal of Fish Biology 69, 283-292, 2006
Genetic evidence of a northward range expansion in the eastern Bering Sea stock of Pacific cod
I Spies, KM Gruenthal, DP Drinan, AB Hollowed, DE Stevenson, ...
Evolutionary Applications 13 (2), 362-375, 2020
Biogeographic Evidence for Selection on Mitochondrial DNA in North Pacific Walleye Pollock Theragra chalcogramma
WS Grant, IB Spies, MF Canino
Journal of Heredity 97 (6), 571-580, 2006
Integrated modeling to evaluate climate change impacts on coupled social-ecological systems in Alaska
AB Hollowed, KK Holsman, AC Haynie, AJ Hermann, AE Punt, K Aydin, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 775, 2020
Are we ready to track climate‐driven shifts in marine species across international boundaries?‐A global survey of scientific bottom trawl data
A A Maureaud, R Frelat, L Pécuchet, N Shackell, B Mérigot, ML Pinsky, ...
Global change biology 27 (2), 220-236, 2021
Molecular phylogenetics of snailfishes (Cottoidei: Liparidae) based on MtDNA and RADseq genomic analyses, with comments on selected morphological characters
JW Orr, I Spies, DE Stevenson, GC Longo, Y Kai, SAM Ghods, ...
Zootaxa 4642 (1), 1–79-1–79, 2019
Stock Assessment of Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Atka Mackerel
S Lowe, J Ianelli, M Wilkins, K Aydin, R Lauth, I Spies
Landscape genetics reveals population subdivision in Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Pacific cod
I Spies
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141 (6), 1557-1573, 2012
Development and characterization of novel di‐ and tetranucleotide microsatellite markers in Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus)
MF Canino, IB Spies, L Hauser
Molecular Ecology Notes 5 (4), 908-910, 2005
Assessment of the arrowtooth flounder stock in the Gulf of Alaska
I Spies, K Aydin, JN Ianelli, W Palsson
The utility of genetics in marine fisheries management: a simulation study based on Pacific cod off Alaska
I Spies, AE Punt
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72 (9), 1415-1432, 2015
Early larvae of Zesticelus profundorum (family Cottidae) identified using DNA barcoding
AC Matarese, IB Spies, MS Busby, JW Orr
Ichthyological research 58, 170-174, 2011
Bathyraja panthera, a new species of skate (Rajidae: Arhynchobatinae) from the western Aleutian Islands, and resurrection of the subgenus Arctoraja Ishiyama
JW Orr, DE Stevenson, GR Hoff, I Spies, JD McEachran
NOAA/National Marine FIsheries Service, 2011
Molecular systematics of the skate subgenus Arctoraja (Bathyraja: Rajidae) and support for an undescribed species, the leopard skate, with comments on the phylogenetics of …
IB Spies, DE Stevenson, JW Orr, GR Hoff
Ichthyological Research 58, 77-83, 2011
Where do we draw the line? A simulation approach for evaluating management of marine fish stocks with isolation-by-distance stock structure
I Spies, PD Spencer, AE Punt
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 72 (7), 968-982, 2015
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Articles 1–20