Aroldo Misi
Aroldo Misi
Professor e Pesquisador, Centro de Pesquisa em Geofísica e Geologia,Universidade Federal da Bahia
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Chemostratigraphic correlation of Neoproterozoic successions in South America
A Misi, AJ Kaufman, J Veizer, K Powis, K Azmy, PC Boggiani, C Gaucher, ...
Chemical Geology 237 (1-2), 143-167, 2007
Neoproterozoic carbonate sequences of the Una Group, Irecê Basin, Brazil: chemostratigraphy, age and correlations
A Misi, J Veizer
Precambrian Research 89 (1-2), 87-100, 1998
Dolomitization and isotope stratigraphy of the Vazante formation, São Francisco Basin, Brazil
K Azmy, J Veizer, A Misi, TF de Oliveira, AL Sanches, MA Dardenne
Precambrian Research 112 (3-4), 303-329, 2001
Upper Proterozoic carbonate stratigraphy, diagenesis, and stromatolitic phosphorite formation, Irecê Basin, Bahia, Brazil
A Misi, JR Kyle
Journal of Sedimentary Research 64 (2a), 299-310, 1994
Sediment hosted lead–zinc deposits of the Neoproterozoic Bambuí Group and correlative sequences, São Francisco craton, Brazil: A review and a possible metallogenic evolution model
A Misi, SSS Iyer, CES Coelho, CCG Tassinari, WJS Franca-Rocha, ...
Ore Geology Reviews 26 (3-4), 263-304, 2005
Supercontinent evolution and the Proterozoic metallogeny of South America
JBG Teixeira, A Misi, MG da Silva
Gondwana research 11 (3), 346-361, 2007
O Grupo Bambuí no estado da Bahia
A Misi
Geologia e Recursos Minerais do Estado da Bahia. Salvador SME/CPRM 1, 119-154, 1979
Isotope stratigraphy of the Lapa formation, São Francisco basin, Brazil: implications for late Neoproterozoic glacial events in South America
K Azmy, AJ Kaufman, A Misi, TF de Oliveira
Precambrian Research 149 (3-4), 231-248, 2006
Chapter 48 Neoproterozoic successions of the Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil: the Bambui, Una, Vazante and Vaza Barris/Miaba groups and their glaciogenic deposits
A Misi, AJ Kaufman, K Azmy, MA Dardenne, AN Sial, TF De Oliveira
Geological Society, London, Memoirs 36 (1), 509-522, 2011
The São Francisco Palaeocontinent
AN Sial, MA Dardenne, A Misi, AJ Pedreira, C Gaucher, VP Ferreira, ...
Developments in Precambrian Geology 16, 31-69, 2009
Re-Os age constraints and new observations of Proterozoic glacial deposits in the Vazante Group, Brazil
PSW Geboy NJ, Kaufman AJ, Walker RJ, Misi A, Oliveira TF, Miller KE, Azmy K ...
Precambrian Research 238 (2013), 199 - 213, 2013
Província São Francisco
JF Mascarenhas, AJ Pedreira, A Misi, AC Motta, JHS Sa
O pré-Cambriano do Brasil, 46-122, 1984
Geological and isotopic constraints on the metallogenic evolution of the Proterozoic sediment-hosted Pb-Zn (Ag) deposits of Brazil
A Misi, SS Iyer, CCG Tassinari, JR Kyle, CES Coelho, WJS Franca-Rocha, ...
Gondwana Research 2 (1), 47-65, 1999
Neoproterozoic to Cambrian palaeoclimatic events in southwestern Gondwana
AJ Kaufman, AN Sial, HE Frimmel, A Misi
Developments in Precambrian Geology 16, 369-388, 2009
Ore genesis at the Salobo copper deposit, Serra dos Carajás
ZG Lindenmayer, JBG Teixeira, MG Silva, A Misi
Base Metal Deposits of Brazil. Belo Horizonte, MME/CPRM/DNPM, 33-43, 1999
Dolomitization and isotope stratigraphy of the Vazante Formation, S o Francisco Basin, Brazil
K Azmy, J Veizer, A Misi, TF de Oliveira, AL Sanches, MA Dardenne
Precambrian Research 112 (3-4), 303-329, 2001
Correlations of some Neoproterozoic carbonate-dominated successions in South America based on high-resolution chemostratigraphy
AN Sial, C Gaucher, A Misi, PC Boggiani, CJS Alvarenga, VP Ferreira, ...
Brazilian Journal of Geology 46, 439-488, 2016
Estratigrafia isotópica das seqüências do Supergrupo São Francisco, coberturas neoproterozóicas do Cráton do São Francisco. Idade e correlações
A Misi
Bacia do São Francisco. Geologia e Recursos Naturais. SBG, Núcleo de Minas …, 2001
Review of the geological and geochronological framework of the Vazante sequence, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Implications to metallogenic and phosphogenic models
OGD Misi A, Azmy K, Kaufman AJ, Oliveira TF, Sanches AL
Ore Geology Reviews 63 (2014), 76 - 90, 2014
Geotectonic setting and metallogeny of the northern São Francisco craton, Bahia, Brazil
JBG Teixeira, MG da Silva, A Misi, SCP Cruz, JH da Silva Sá
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 30 (2), 71-83, 2010
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Articles 1–20