João Carlos Andrade dos Santos
João Carlos Andrade dos Santos
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A review of the potential climate change impacts and adaptation options for European viticulture
JA Santos, H Fraga, AC Malheiro, J Moutinho-Pereira, LT Dinis, C Correia, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (9), 3092, 2020
An overview of climate change impacts on European viticulture
H Fraga, AC Malheiro, J Moutinho‐Pereira, JA Santos
Food and Energy Security 1 (2), 94-110, 2012
Modelling climate change impacts on viticultural yield, phenology and stress conditions in Europe
H Fraga, I García de Cortázar Atauri, AC Malheiro, JA Santos
Global change biology 22 (11), 3774-3788, 2016
Climate change scenarios applied to viticultural zoning in Europe
AC Malheiro, JA Santos, H Fraga, JG Pinto
Climate research 43 (3), 163-177, 2010
Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and uncertainties
H Fraga, AC Malheiro, J Moutinho-Pereira, JA Santos
International Journal of Biometeorology 57, 909-925, 2013
Mediterranean olive orchards under climate change: A review of future impacts and adaptation strategies
H Fraga, M Moriondo, L Leolini, JA Santos
Agronomy 11 (1), 56, 2020
European temperature responses to blocking and ridge regional patterns
PM Sousa, RM Trigo, D Barriopedro, PMM Soares, JA Santos
Climate Dynamics 50, 457-477, 2018
Viticultural irrigation demands under climate change scenarios in Portugal
H Fraga, IG de Cortázar Atauri, JA Santos
Agricultural water management 196, 66-74, 2018
Macroclimate and viticultural zoning in Europe: observed trends and atmospheric forcing
JA Santos, AC Malheiro, JG Pinto, GV Jones
Climate research 51 (1), 89-103, 2012
Statistical modelling of grapevine yield in the Port Wine region under present and future climate conditions
JA Santos, AC Malheiro, MK Karremann, JG Pinto
International Journal of Biometeorology 55, 119-131, 2011
Weather regimes and their connection to the winter rainfall in Portugal
JA Santos, J Corte‐Real, SM Leite
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2005
Climatic suitability of Portuguese grapevine varieties and climate change adaptation.
H Fraga, JA Santos, AC Malheiro, AA Oliveira, J Moutinho‐Pereira, ...
International Journal of Climatology 36 (1), 2016
Statistical modelling of grapevine phenology in Portuguese wine regions: observed trends and climate change projections
H Fraga, JA Santos, J Moutinho-Pereira, C Carlos, J Silvestre, ...
The Journal of Agricultural Science 154 (5), 795-811, 2016
Very high resolution bioclimatic zoning of Portuguese wine regions: present and future scenarios
H Fraga, AC Malheiro, J Moutinho-Pereira, GV Jones, F Alves, JG Pinto, ...
Regional environmental change 14, 295-306, 2014
Climate change projections for chilling and heat forcing conditions in European vineyards and olive orchards: A multi-model assessment
H Fraga, JG Pinto, JA Santos
Climatic Change 152, 179-193, 2019
Climate change scenarios for precipitation extremes in Portugal
AC Costa, JA Santos, JG Pinto
Theoretical and applied climatology 108, 217-234, 2012
Spatial patterns and regimes of daily precipitation in Iran in relation to large‐scale atmospheric circulation
T Raziei, A Mofidi, JA Santos, I Bordi
International Journal of Climatology 32 (8), 1226, 2012
Viticulture in Portugal: A review of recent trends and climate change projections
H Fraga, IG de Cortázar Atauri, AC Malheiro, J Moutinho-Pereira, ...
Oeno One 51 (2), 61-69, 2017
Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian viticultural regions
H Fraga, AC Malheiro, J Moutinho-Pereira, RM Cardoso, PMM Soares, ...
PLoS One 9 (9), e108078, 2014
Characteristics and controls of extremely large wildfires in the western Mediterranean Basin
PM Fernandes, AMG Barros, A Pinto, JA Santos
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 121 (8), 2141-2157, 2016
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Articles 1–20