Patrick R Heck
Patrick R Heck
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
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Cited by
Objecting to experiments that compare two unobjectionable policies or treatments
MN Meyer, PR Heck, GS Holtzman, SM Anderson, W Cai, DJ Watts, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (22), 10723-10728, 2019
No evidence that experiencing physical warmth promotes interpersonal warmth: Two failures to replicate Williams and Bargh (2008)
CF Chabris, PR Heck, J Mandart, DJ Benjamin, DJ Simons
Social Psychology, 2018
Self-enhancement diminished
PR Heck, JI Krueger
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 144 (5), 1003, 2015
Putting the P-Value in its Place
JI Krueger, PR Heck
The American Statistician 73 (sup1), 122-128, 2019
65% of Americans believe they are above average in intelligence: Results of two nationally representative surveys
PR Heck, DJ Simons, CF Chabris
PloS one 13 (7), e0200103, 2018
Social perception of self-enhancement bias and error
PR Heck, JI Krueger
Social Psychology 47, 327-339, 2016
The heuristic value of p in inductive statistical inference
JI Krueger, PR Heck
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 2017
Social game theory: Preferences, perceptions, and choices
JI Krueger, PR Heck, AM Evans, TE DiDonato
European Review of Social Psychology 31 (1), 222-253, 2020
Self-enhancement: Conceptualization and assessment
JI Krueger, PR Heck, JB Asendorpf
Collabra: Psychology, 2017
An illusion of predictability in scientific results: Even experts confuse inferential uncertainty and outcome variability
S Zhang, PR Heck, MN Meyer, CF Chabris, DG Goldstein, JM Hofman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (33), e2302491120, 2023
Information avoidance in genetic health: Perceptions, norms, and preferences
PR Heck, MN Meyer
Social Cognition 37 (3), 266-293, 2019
Objecting to experiments even while approving of the policies or treatments they compare
PR Heck, CF Chabris, DJ Watts, MN Meyer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (32), 18948-18950, 2020
The Search for the Self
JI Krueger, PR Heck, U Athenstaedt
Getting Grounded in Social Psychology: The Essential Literature for …, 2017
Testing significance testing
JI Krueger, PR Heck
Collabra: Psychology 4 (1), 2018
Let me help you help me: Trust between profit and prosociality
J Krueger, AM Evans, P Heck, PAM van Lange, B Rockenbach, ...
Trust in social dilemmas, 121-138, 2017
Self-Enhancement Error Motivates Social Projection
PR Heck, J Krueger
Social Cognition 38 (5), 489-522, 2020
Population whole exome screening: Primary care provider attitudes about preparedness, information avoidance, and nudging
PR Heck, MN Meyer
Medical Clinics 103 (6), 1077-1092, 2019
Social perception in the volunteer’s dilemma: Role of choice, outcome, and expectation
PR Heck, JI Krueger
Social Cognition 35, 497-519, 2017
Reply to Mislavsky et al.: Sometimes people really are averse to experiments
MN Meyer, PR Heck, GS Holtzman, SM Anderson, W Cai, DJ Watts, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (48), 23885-23886, 2019
The social shapes test as a self-administered, online measure of social intelligence: Two studies with typically developing adults and adults with autism spectrum disorder
MI Brown, PR Heck, CF Chabris
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 54 (5), 1804-1819, 2024
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Articles 1–20