Stephanie S. Kienast
Stephanie S. Kienast
Associate Professor
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East Asian monsoon climate during the Late Pleistocene: high-resolution sediment records from the south China Sea
L Wang, M Sarnthein, H Erlenkeuser, JO Grimalt, P Grootes, S Heilig, ...
Marine Geology 156 (1-4), 245-284, 1999
A review of nitrogen isotopic alteration in marine sediments
RS Robinson, M Kienast, A Luiza Albuquerque, M Altabet, S Contreras, ...
Paleoceanography 27 (4), 2012
High resolution Uk37-temperature reconstructions in the South China Sea over the past 220 kyr
C Pelejero, G Joan O., S Heilig, M Kienast, W Lujang
Paleoceanography 14 (2), 224-231, 1999
Eastern Pacific cooling and Atlantic overturning circulation during the last deglaciation
M Kienast, SS Kienast, SE Calvert, TI Eglinton, G Mollenhauer, R François, ...
Nature 443 (7113), 846-849, 2006
Nitrogen isotope and productivity variations along the northeast Pacific margin over the last 120 kyr: Surface and subsurface paleoceanography
SS Kienast, SE Calvert, TF Pedersen
Paleoceanography 17 (4), 7-1-7-17, 2002
Sea surface temperatures in the subarctic northeast Pacific reflect millennial‐scale climate oscillations during the last 16 kyrs
SS Kienast, JL McKay
Geophysical Research Letters 28 (8), 1563-1566, 2001
Influence of northwest Pacific productivity on North Pacific Intermediate Water oxygen concentrations during the Bølling-Allerød interval (14.7–12.9 ka)
J Crusius, TF Pedersen, S Kienast, L Keigwin, L Labeyrie
Geology 32 (7), 633-636, 2004
The acceleration of oceanic denitrification during deglacial warming
N members
Nature Geoscience, 2013
Thorium‐230 normalized particle flux and sediment focusing in the Panama Basin region during the last 30,000 years
SS Kienast, M Kienast, AC Mix, SE Calvert, R François
Paleoceanography 22 (2), 2007
Testing the silica leakage hypothesis with sedimentary opal records from the eastern equatorial Pacific over the last 150 kyrs
SS Kienast, M Kienast, S Jaccard, SE Calvert, R François
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (15), 2006
230Th Normalization: New Insights on an Essential Tool for Quantifying Sedimentary Fluxes in the Modern and Quaternary Ocean
KM Costa, CT Hayes, RF Anderson, FJ Pavia, A Bausch, F Deng, ...
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 35 (2), e2019PA003820, 2020
Tracing Dust Input to the Global Ocean using Thorium Isotopes in Marine Sediments: ThoroMap
SS Kienast, G Winckler, J Lippold, S Albani, NM Mahowald
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2016
Export production in the subarctic North Pacific over the last 800 kyrs: No evidence for iron fertilization?
SS Kienast, IL Hendy, J Crusius, TF Pedersen, SE Calvert
Journal of Oceanography 60, 189-203, 2004
Millennial-scale variations in hydrography and biogeochemistry in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific over the last 100 kyr
N Dubois, M Kienast, S Kienast, C Normandeau, SE Calvert, TD Herbert, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (1-2), 210-223, 2011
Organic carbon accumulation over the last 16 kyr off Vancouver Island, Canada: evidence for increased marine productivity during the deglacial
JL McKay, TF Pedersen, SS Kienast
Quaternary Science Reviews 23 (3-4), 261-281, 2004
Sedimentary opal records in the eastern equatorial Pacific: It is not all about leakage
N Dubois, M Kienast, S Kienast, SE Calvert, R François, RF Anderson
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24 (4), 2010
Comment on “Do geochemical estimates of sediment focusing pass the sediment test in the equatorial Pacific?” by M. Lyle et al.
R Francois, M Frank, M Rutgers van der Loeff, MP Bacon, W Geibert, ...
American Geophysical Union, 2007
Near collapse of the meridional SST gradient in the eastern equatorial Pacific during Heinrich Stadial 1
SS Kienast, T Friedrich, N Dubois, PS Hill, A Timmermann, AC Mix, ...
Paleoceanography 28 (4), 663-674, 2013
Millennial-scale Atlantic/East Pacific sea surface temperature linkages during the last 100,000 years
N Dubois, M Kienast, SS Kienast, A Timmermann
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 396, 134-142, 2014
Ironing out Fe residence time in the dynamic upper ocean
EE Black, SS Kienast, N Lemaitre, PJ Lam, RF Anderson, H Planquette, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 34 (9), e2020GB006592, 2020
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Articles 1–20