Lucia F. Jacobs
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Cited by
The evolution of self-control
EL MacLean, B Hare, CL Nunn, E Addessi, F Amici, RC Anderson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (20), E2140-E2148, 2014
Spatial memory and adaptive specialization of the hippocampus
DF Sherry, LF Jacobs, SJC Gaulin
Trends in neurosciences 15 (8), 298-303, 1992
Evolution of spatial cognition: sex-specific patterns of spatial behavior predict hippocampal size.
LF Jacobs, SJ Gaulin, DF Sherry, GE Hoffman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87 (16), 6349-6352, 1990
How does cognition evolve? Phylogenetic comparative psychology
EL MacLean, LJ Matthews, BA Hare, CL Nunn, RC Anderson, F Aureli, ...
Animal cognition 15, 223-238, 2012
Unpacking the cognitive map: the parallel map theory of hippocampal function.
LF Jacobs, F Schenk
Psychological review 110 (2), 285, 2003
Behavioural modulation of predation risk: moonlight avoidance and crepuscular compensation in a nocturnal desert rodent, Dipodomys merriami
M Daly, PR Behrends, MI Wilson, LF Jacobs
Animal behaviour 44 (1), 1-9, 1992
From chemotaxis to the cognitive map: the function of olfaction
LF Jacobs
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (supplement_1), 10693-10700, 2012
Deficits in cognition and synaptic plasticity in a mouse model of Down syndrome ameliorated by GABAB receptor antagonists
AM Kleschevnikov, PV Belichenko, M Faizi, LF Jacobs, K Htun, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (27), 9217-9227, 2012
Grey squirrels remember the locations of buried nuts
LF Jacobs, ER Liman
Animal Behaviour 41 (1), 103-110, 1991
Natural space-use patterns and hippocampal size in kangaroo rats
LF Jacobs, WD Spencer
Brain, Behavior and Evolution 44 (3), 125-132, 1994
Sexual selection and the brain
LF Jacobs
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 11 (2), 82-86, 1996
Scatter hoarding by kangaroo rats (Dipodomys merriami) and pilferage from their caches
M Daly, LF Jacobs, MI Wilson, PR Behrends
Behavioral Ecology 3 (2), 102-111, 1992
The evolution of the cognitive map
LF Jacobs
Brain, behavior and evolution 62 (2), 128-139, 2003
The effect of handling time on the decision to cache by grey squirrels
LF Jacobs
Animal Behaviour 43 (3), 522-524, 1992
Conspecific pilferage but not presence affects Merriam's kangaroo rat cache strategy
SD Preston, LF Jacobs
Behavioral Ecology 12 (5), 517-523, 2001
The seasonal pattern of cell proliferation and neuron number in the dentate gyrus of wild adult eastern grey squirrels
P Lavenex, MA Steele, LF Jacobs
European Journal of Neuroscience 12 (2), 643-648, 2000
Memory for cache locations in Merriam's kangaroo rats
LF Jacobs
Animal Behaviour 43 (4), 585-593, 1992
Sex differences in directional cue use in a virtual landscape.
XJ Chai, LF Jacobs
Behavioral neuroscience 123 (2), 276, 2009
Scene complexity: influence on perception, memory, and development in the medial temporal lobe
XJ Chai, N Ofen, LF Jacobs, JDE Gabrieli
Frontiers in human neuroscience 4, 1021, 2010
Olfactory orientation and navigation in humans
LF Jacobs, J Arter, A Cook, FJ Sulloway
PLoS ONE 10 (6), e0129387, 2015
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Articles 1–20