Glen Duerr
Glen Duerr
Associate Professor of International Studies, Cedarville University
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Cited by
Digital media strategies of the far right in Europe and the United States
C Berlet, K Christensen, G Duerr, RD Duval, JD Garcia, F Klier, ...
Lexington Books, 2015
Secessionism and the European Union: the future of Flanders, Scotland, and Catalonia
GME Duerr
Lexington Books, 2015
Prospect theory and the framing of the Good Friday Agreement
LE Hancock, JN Weiss, GME Duerr
Conflict Resolution Quarterly 28 (2), 183-203, 2010
Civic integration or ethnic segregation? Models of ethnic and civic nationalism in club football/soccer
GME Duerr
The State of the Field, 42-55, 2018
Playing for identity and independence: The issue of Palestinian statehood and the role of FIFA
GME Duerr
Soccer in the Middle East, 35-48, 2016
Talking with nationalists and patriots: An examination of ethnic and civic approaches to nationalism and their outcomes in Quebec and Flanders
GME Duerr
Kent State University, 2012
sOVeReiGnTy issues in The CauCasus: COnTesTed eThniC and naTiOnal idenTiTies in CheChnya, abkhazia, and sOuTh OsseTia
V Rukhadze, G Duerr
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 2016
Secessionism and terrorism: Bombs, blood and independence in Europe and Eurasia
G Duerr
Routledge, 2018
Independence through terrorism? The linkages between secessionism and terrorism in the Basque Country
G Duerr
The Palgrave handbook of global counterterrorism policy, 459-477, 2017
Huntington vs. Mearsheimer vs. Fukuyama: Which Post-Cold War Thesis is Most Accurate?
GME Duerr
The ‘Clash of Civilizations’ 25 Years On, 76, 2018
‘Becoming Apple Pie: Soccer as the Fifth Major Team Sport in the United States?'
GM Duerr, Y Kiuchi
Soccer Culture in America: Essays on the World Sport in Red, White and Blue …, 2014
Becoming Apple Pie: Major League Soccer as the Fifth Major Sport in the United States?
Y Kiuchi
Soccer Culture in America: Essays on the World's Sport in Red, White and …, 2013
The European economic crisis and rising secessionism: New demands on the European social model in Scotland, Flanders, and Catalonia
GME Duerr
The European Social Model Adrift, 151-168, 2016
Peaceful and Mutual Parliamentary Dissolution: Dissolved Unions in Sweden–Norway (1905) and Czechoslovakia (1993) and their lessons for Europe
GME Duerr
Sprawy Narodowościowe, 29-46, 2009
Suez Canal Blockage: Ship Freed, Heavy Traffic, International Impact
GME Duerr
Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty: The Transnational Linkages of Radical Nationalist Political Parties in the European Union
GME Duerr
Quebec's New Push for Sovereignty: Increasing Civic Nationalism and New Parti Quebecois Strategies for the Next Provincial Election
G Duerr
APSA 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, 2011
Traversing borders: Supranationalism, public policy and the framing of undocumented immigration in the United States and the United Kingdom
GME Duerr
CEU Political Science Journal, 175-191, 2007
Balance of Power
GME Duerr
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, 115, 2023
Chrétien and the Commonwealth: Successes and Failures in Canada’s Role as a Middle Power
GME Duerr
Études canadiennes/Canadian Studies. Revue interdisciplinaire des études …, 2013
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