Nicolas Massei
Nicolas Massei
Professor of Hydrological Sciences, University of Rouen, UMR 6143 M2C
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Cited by
The origin of the 1500-year climate cycles in Holocene North-Atlantic records
M Debret, V Bout-Roumazeilles, F Grousset, M Desmet, JF McManus, ...
Climate of the Past 3 (4), 569-575, 2007
OZCAR: The French network of critical zone observatories
J Gaillardet, I Braud, F Hankard, S Anquetin, O Bour, N Dorfliger, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-24, 2018
Investigating transport properties and turbidity dynamics of a karst aquifer using correlation, spectral, and wavelet analyses
N Massei, JP Dupont, BJ Mahler, B Laignel, M Fournier, D Valdes, ...
Journal of hydrology 329 (1-2), 244-257, 2006
Evidence from wavelet analysis for a mid-Holocene transition in global climate forcing
M Debret, D Sebag, X Crosta, N Massei, JR Petit, E Chapron, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (25-26), 2675-2688, 2009
Reconstruction of missing groundwater level data by using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) deep neural network
MT Vu, A Jardani, N Massei, M Fournier
Journal of Hydrology 597, 125776, 2021
Long‐term hydrological changes of the Seine River flow (France) and their relation to the North Atlantic Oscillation over the period 1950–2008
N Massei, B Laignel, J Deloffre, J Mesquita, A Motelay, R Lafite, A Durand
International journal of Climatology 30 (14), 2146-2154, 2010
Transport of particulate material and dissolved tracer in a highly permeable porous medium: comparison of the transfer parameters
N Massei, M Lacroix, HQ Wang, JP Dupont
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 57 (1-2), 21-39, 2002
Interpreting tracer breakthrough tailing in a conduit-dominated karstic aquifer
N Massei, HQ Wang, MS Field, JP Dupont, M Bakalowicz, J Rodet
Hydrogeology Journal 14, 849-858, 2006
The response of the Mississippi River to climate fluctuations and reservoir construction as indicated by wavelet analysis of streamflow and suspended-sediment load, 1950–1975
A Rossi, N Massei, B Laignel, D Sebag, Y Copard
Journal of Hydrology 377 (3-4), 237-244, 2009
Assessment of direct transfer and resuspension of particles during turbid floods at a karstic spring
N Massei, HQ Wang, JP Dupont, J Rodet, B Laignel
Journal of hydrology 275 (1-2), 109-121, 2003
Transport and deposition of suspended particles in saturated porous media: hydrodynamic effect
ND Ahfir, HQ Wang, A Benamar, A Alem, N Massei, JP Dupont
Hydrogeology Journal 15, 659-668, 2007
Transfer of bacteria-contaminated particles in a karst aquifer: evolution of contaminated materials from a sinkhole to a spring
L Dussart-Baptista, N Massei, JP Dupont, T Jouenne
Journal of Hydrology 284 (1-4), 285-295, 2003
Global karst springs hydrograph dataset for research and management of the world’s fastest-flowing groundwater
T Olarinoye, T Gleeson, V Marx, S Seeger, R Adinehvand, V Allocca, ...
Scientific Data 7 (1), 59, 2020
Investigating possible links between the North Atlantic Oscillation and rainfall variability in northwestern France over the past 35 years
N Massei, A Durand, J Deloffre, JP Dupont, D Valdes, B Laignel
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D9), 2007
Using turbidity dynamics and geochemical variability as a tool for understanding the behavior and vulnerability of a karst aquifer
M Fournier, N Massei, M Bakalowicz, L Dussart-Baptista, J Rodet, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 15, 689-704, 2007
Arctic hydroclimate variability during the last 2000 years: current understanding and research challenges
HW Linderholm, M Nicolle, P Francus, K Gajewski, S Helama, A Korhola, ...
Climate of the Past 14 (4), 473-514, 2018
Anthropogenic contaminants as tracers in an urbanizing karst aquifer
B Mahler, N Massei
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 91 (1-2), 81-106, 2007
Assessing the expression of large-scale climatic fluctuations in the hydrological variability of daily Seine river flow (France) between 1950 and 2008 using Hilbert–Huang Transform
N Massei, M Fournier
Journal of Hydrology 448, 119-128, 2012
Investigation of karst hydrodynamics and organization using autocorrelations and T–ΔC curves
D Valdes, JP Dupont, N Massei, B Laignel, J Rodet
Journal of hydrology 329 (3-4), 432-443, 2006
Quantitative interpretation of specific conductance frequency distributions in karst
N Massei, BJ Mahler, M Bakalowicz, M Fournier, JP Dupont
Groundwater 45 (3), 288-293, 2007
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Articles 1–20