Meaghan Pimsler
Meaghan Pimsler
US Army AFC DEVCOM ARL Army Research Office
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Proteus mirabilis interkingdom swarming signals attract blow flies
Q Ma, A Fonseca, W Liu, AT Fields, ML Pimsler, AF Spindola, AM Tarone, ...
The ISME journal 6 (7), 1356-1366, 2012
Bacteria Mediate Oviposition by the Black Soldier Fly, Hermetia illucens (L.), (Diptera: Stratiomyidae)
L Zheng, TL Crippen, L Holmes, B Singh, ML Pimsler, ME Benbow, ...
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2563, 2013
Distance, elevation and environment as drivers of diversity and divergence in bumble bees across latitude and altitude
JM Jackson, ML Pimsler, KJ Oyen, JB Koch‐Uhuad, JD Herndon, ...
Molecular ecology 27 (14), 2926-2942, 2018
Biogeographic parallels in thermal tolerance and gene expression variation under temperature stress in a widespread bumble bee
ML Pimsler, KJ Oyen, JD Herndon, JM Jackson, JP Strange, ME Dillon, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 17063, 2020
Local adaptation across a complex bioclimatic landscape in two montane bumble bee species
JM Jackson, ML Pimsler, KJ Oyen, JP Strange, ME Dillon, JD Lozier
Molecular Ecology 29 (5), 920-939, 2020
Sex determination mechanisms in the Calliphoridae (blow flies)
MJ Scott, ML Pimsler, AM Tarone
Sexual development 8 (1-3), 29-37, 2014
Divergence in body mass, wing loading, and population structure reveals species-specific and potentially adaptive trait variation across elevations in montane bumble bees
JD Lozier, ZM Parsons, L Rachoki, JM Jackson, ML Pimsler, KJ Oyen, ...
Insect Systematics and Diversity 5 (5), 3, 2021
De Novo Genome Assemblies for Three North American Bumble Bee Species: Bombus bifarius, Bombus vancouverensis, and Bombus vosnesenskii
SD Heraghty, JM Sutton, ML Pimsler, JL Fierst, JP Strange, JD Lozier
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 10 (8), 2585-2592, 2020
Association of Myianoetus muscarum (Acari: Histiostomatidae) With Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Wulp) (Diptera: Muscidae) on Human …
ML Pimsler, CG Owings, MR Sanford, BM OConnor, PD Teel, RM Mohr, ...
Journal of medical entomology 53 (2), 290-295, 2016
Chemical ecology of vertebrate carrion
J Cammack, M Pimsler, T Crippen, JK Tomberlin
Carrion ecology, evolution, and their applications, 187-212, 2015
Structural and Genetic Investigation of the Egg and First-Instar Larva of an Egg-Laying Population of Blaesoxipha plinthopyga (Diptera: Sarcophagidae), a Species …
ML Pimsler, T Pape, JS Johnston, RA Wharton, JJ Parrott, D Restuccia, ...
Journal of medical entomology 51 (6), 1283-1295, 2014
Population genomics reveals a candidate gene involved in bumble bee pigmentation
ML Pimsler, JM Jackson, JD Lozier
Ecology and Evolution 7 (10), 3406-3413, 2017
A survey of the dung beetles in cattle manure on pastures of an organic and a conventional dairy farm in New York state
M Pimsler
The genomes of a monogenic fly: views of primitive sex chromosomes
AA Andere, ML Pimsler, AM Tarone, CJ Picard
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 15728, 2020
A scalable and memory-efficient algorithm for de novo transcriptome assembly of non-model organisms
SH Sze, ML Pimsler, JK Tomberlin, CD Jones, AM Tarone
Bmc Genomics 18, 1-11, 2017
Redescription of Myianoetus muscarum (Acari: Histiostomatidae) Associated with Human Remains in Texas, USA, with Designation of a Neotype …
BM OConnor, M Pimsler, CG Owings, JK Tomberlin
Journal of medical entomology 52 (4), 539-550, 2015
Gene expression correlates of facultative predation in the blow fly Chrysomya rufifacies (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
ML Pimsler, SH Sze, S Saenz, S Fu, JK Tomberlin, AM Tarone
Ecology and Evolution 9 (15), 8690-8701, 2019
Bacteria mediate oviposition by the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens (L.),(Diptera: Stratiomyidae). Nature Scientific Reports 3: 2563
L Zheng, TL Crippen, L Holmes, B Singh, ML Pimsler, ME Benbow, ...
Evaluation of Development Datasets for Hermetia illucens (L.) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) for Estimating the Time of Placement of Human and Swine Remains in …
L Cuttiford, ML Pimsler, CC Heo, L Zheng, I Karunaratne, G Trissini, ...
Journal of Medical Entomology 58 (4), 1654-1662, 2021
Identification and Characterization of Small RNA Markers of Age in the Blow Fly Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
CE Hjelmen, Y Yuan, JJ Parrott, AS McGuane, SP Srivastav, AC Purcell, ...
Insects 13 (10), 948, 2022
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Articles 1–20