Phong T. Tran
Phong T. Tran
University of Pennsylvania & Institut Curie
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A mechanism for nuclear positioning in fission yeast based on microtubule pushing
PT Tran, L Marsh, V Doye, S Inoue, F Chang
The Journal of cell biology 153 (2), 397-412, 2001
Microfluidic tools for cell biological research
G Velve-Casquillas, M Le Berre, M Piel, PT Tran
Nano today 5 (1), 28-47, 2010
Crosslinkers and motors organize dynamic microtubules to form stable bipolar arrays in fission yeast
ME Janson, R Loughlin, I Loïodice, C Fu, D Brunner, FJ Nédélec, PT Tran
Cell 128 (2), 357-368, 2007
Counterion induced bundle formation of rodlike polyelectrolytes
JX Tang, S Wong, PT Tran, PA Janmey
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft fur Physikalische Chemie-Inter Journal of …, 1996
Ase1p organizes antiparallel microtubule arrays during interphase and mitosis in fission yeast
I Loïodice, J Staub, TG Setty, NPT Nguyen, A Paoletti, PT Tran
Molecular biology of the cell 16 (4), 1756-1768, 2005
Birefringence of single and bundled microtubules
R Oldenbourg, ED Salmon, PT Tran
Biophysical journal 74 (1), 645-654, 1998
Efficient formation of bipolar microtubule bundles requires microtubule-bound γ-tubulin complexes
ME Janson, TG Setty, A Paoletti, PT Tran
The Journal of cell biology 169 (2), 297-308, 2005
A metastable intermediate state of microtubule dynamic instability that differs significantly between plus and minus ends
PT Tran, RA Walker, ED Salmon
The Journal of cell biology 138 (1), 105-117, 1997
Phospho-regulated interaction between kinesin-6 Klp9p and microtubule bundler Ase1p promotes spindle elongation
C Fu, JJ Ward, I Loiodice, G Velve-Casquillas, FJ Nedelec, PT Tran
Developmental cell 17 (2), 257-267, 2009
Estimating the microtubule GTP cap size in vivo
D Seetapun, BT Castle, AJ McIntyre, PT Tran, DJ Odde
Current Biology 22 (18), 1681-1687, 2012
Cytoplasmic microtubule organization in fission yeast
KE Sawin, PT Tran
Yeast 23 (13), 1001-1014, 2006
XMAP215 is a long thin molecule that does not increase microtubule stiffness
L Cassimeris, D Gard, PT Tran, HP Erickson
Journal of cell science 114 (16), 3025-3033, 2001
How tubulin subunits are lost from the shortening ends of microtubules
PT Tran, P Joshi, ED Salmon
Journal of structural biology 118 (2), 107-118, 1997
C-terminal anchoring of mid1p to membranes stabilizes cytokinetic ring position in early mitosis in fission yeast
S Celton-Morizur, N Bordes, V Fraisier, PT Tran, A Paoletti
Molecular and cellular biology 24 (24), 10621-10635, 2004
Imaging green fluorescent protein fusions in living fission yeast cells
PT Tran, A Paoletti, F Chang
Methods 33 (3), 220-225, 2004
Polarized light microscopy and digital image processing identify a multilaminar structure of the hamster zona pellucida.
D Keefe, P Tran, C Pellegrini, R Oldenbourg
Human reproduction (Oxford, England) 12 (6), 1250-1252, 1997
Physical mechanisms redirecting cell polarity and cell shape in fission yeast
CR Terenna, T Makushok, G Velve-Casquillas, D Baigl, Y Chen, ...
Current Biology 18 (22), 1748-1753, 2008
Assessing the localization of centrosomal proteins by PALM/STORM nanoscopy
JE Sillibourne, CG Specht, I Izeddin, I Hurbain, P Tran, A Triller, ...
Cytoskeleton 68 (11), 619-627, 2011
Primary ciliogenesis requires the distal appendage component Cep123
JE Sillibourne, I Hurbain, T Grand-Perret, B Goud, P Tran, M Bornens
Biology Open 2 (6), 535-545, 2013
Fluorescence polarization of green fluorescence protein
S Inoué, O Shimomura, M Goda, M Shribak, PT Tran
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (7), 4272-4277, 2002
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Articles 1–20