Alexander Stocker
Alexander Stocker
Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH
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Digital work design: The interplay of human and computer in future work practices as an interdisciplinary (grand) challenge
A Richter, P Heinrich, A Stocker, G Schwabe
Business & Information Systems Engineering 60, 259-264, 2018
Empowering production workers with digitally facilitated knowledge processes–a conceptual framework
L Hannola, A Richter, S Richter, A Stocker
International Journal of Production Research 56 (14), 4729-4743, 2018
Driver distraction detection methods: A literature review and framework
A Kashevnik, R Shchedrin, C Kaiser, A Stocker
IEEE Access 9, 60063-60076, 2021
Exploring appropriation of enterprise wikis: A multiple-case study
A Stocker, A Richter, P Hoefler, K Tochtermann
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 21, 317-356, 2012
Wissenstransfer mit Wikis und Weblogs: Fallstudien zum erfolgreichen Einsatz von Web 2.0 in Unternehmen
A Stocker, K Tochtermann
Springer-Verlag, 2011
The Linked Data Value Chain: A Lightweight Model for Business Engineers.
A Latif, AU Saeed, P Hoefler, A Stocker, C Wagner
I-SEMANTICS, 568-575, 2009
Knowledge management goals revisited: A cross‐sectional analysis of social software adoption in corporate environments
A Richter, A Stocker, S Müller, G Avram
Vine 43 (2), 132-148, 2013
Enterprise microblogging for advanced knowledge sharing: The references@ BT case study.
J Müller, A Stocker
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 17 (4), 532-547, 2011
Conceptualising value creation in data-driven services: The case of vehicle data
C Kaiser, A Stocker, G Viscusi, M Fellmann, A Richter
International Journal of Information Management 59, 102335, 2021
Mensch-zentrierte IKT-Lösungen in einer Smart Factory.
A Stocker, P Brandl, R Michalczuk, M Rosenberger
Elektrotech. Informationstechnik 131 (7), 207-211, 2014
Participative knowledge management to empower manufacturing workers
G Campatelli, A Richter, A Stocker
International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) 12 (4), 37-50, 2016
Triangulated investigation of trust in automated driving: Challenges and solution approaches for data integration
TE Kalayci, EG Kalayci, G Lechner, N Neuhuber, M Spitzer, ...
Journal of Industrial Information Integration 21, 100186, 2021
Quantified vehicles: Novel services for vehicle lifecycle data
A Stocker, C Kaiser, M Fellmann
Business & information systems engineering 59, 125-130, 2017
Einführungsstrategien von Corporate Social Software
A Richter, A Stocker, M Koch
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 49 (2), 97-106, 2012
A research agenda for vehicle information systems
C Kaiser, A Stocker, A Festl, G Lechner, M Fellmann
Datenbrillengestützte Checklisten in der Fahrzeugmontage: Eine empirische Untersuchung
A Stocker, M Spitzer, C Kaiser, M Rosenberger, M Fellmann
Informatik-Spektrum 40, 255-263, 2017
Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt der Fabrik von morgen
A Richter, P Heinrich, A Stocker, W Unzeitig
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 52, 690-712, 2015
Investigating Weblogs in Small and Medium Enterprises: An Exploratory Case Study.
A Stocker, K Tochtermann
BIS (Workshops), 95-107, 2008
Search, reuse and sharing of research data in materials science and engineering—A qualitative interview study
B Suhr, J Dungl, A Stocker
PloS one 15 (9), e0239216, 2020
Towards a privacy-preserving way of vehicle data sharing–a case for blockchain technology?
C Kaiser, M Steger, A Dorri, A Festl, A Stocker, M Fellmann, S Kanhere
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2018: Smart Systems for …, 2019
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