Geoffrey Mazué
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Cited by
Boldness–exploration behavioral syndrome: interfamily variability and repeatability of personality traits in the young of the convict cichlid (Amatitlania siquia)
GPF Mazué, FX Dechaume-Moncharmont, JGJ Godin
Behavioral Ecology 26 (3), 900-908, 2015
Schistocephalus parasite infection alters sticklebacks’ movement ability and thereby shapes social interactions
JW Jolles, GPF Mazué, J Davidson, J Behrmann-Godel, ID Couzin
Scientific reports 10 (1), 12282, 2020
Diet and temperature modify the relationship between energy use and ATP production to influence behavior in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
A Le Roy, GPF Mazué, NB Metcalfe, F Seebacher
Ecology and evolution 11 (14), 9791-9803, 2021
Both prey and predator features predict the individual predation risk and survival of schooling prey
JW Jolles, MMG Sosna, GPF Mazué, CR Twomey, J Bak-Coleman, ...
Elife 11, e76344, 2022
Risk balancing through selective use of social and physical information: a case study in the humbug damselfish
MIA Kent, AL Burns, WF Figueira, GPF Mazue, AG Porter, ADM Wilson, ...
Journal of Zoology, 2019
Do female Nicrophorus vespilloides reduce direct costs by choosing males that mate less frequently?
PE Hopwood, GPF Mazué, MJ Carter, ML Head, AJ Moore, NJ Royle
Biology Letters 12 (3), 20151064, 2016
Changes in movement characteristics in response to private and social information acquisition of socially foraging fish
GPF Mazué, MWD Adams, F Seebacher, AJW Ward
Animal Behaviour 201, 73-86, 2023
Leaderless consensus decision-making determines cooperative transport direction in weaver ants
D Carlesso, M Stewardson, DJ McLean, GPF Mazué, S Garnier, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291 (2028), 20232367, 2024
Information transfer in fish shoals: The use of information during social foraging, navigation and decision making.
G Mazue
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Articles 1–9